In the last 11 years, I have lost my Mom, Dad and only sibling. And mixed in between, my two closest friends. My Mom lingered for years in declining health but the last 2-3 years, every time I would see her, I thought of what your family is dealing with......"This might be the last visit". You mentioned being in your 70s. THAT takes me to my Grandfather telling me in 1978.."It's so hard to grow old and watch people pass around you". I just turned 55 on the 15th and have had a lot of punches in recent years. I'm VERY comfortable, Spiritually. I KNOW they all are in awesome hands and in an awesome place. I just hate what I feel.....Like my world is closing in and not having all these past people around for me to talk to. It hit me hard about a month ago. To the point I just felt compelled to get out of bed and go outside to get air. You said it best a long time ago....Old age is NOT for Sissies.