I mean ever. My earliest memory in life, (actually I have two and I'm not sure which is older), was me on my tricycle riding down our driveway to the road. I had not started Kindergarten and I started Kindergarden at the age of 4.... so I was probably 4, possibly 3. I used to ride my Tricycle out to the road to watch the school bus go by. I had reached the road and I spotted a plane in the sky far to the east. It was bright silver, (polished aluminum), and was flying circles. I was like a deer in headlights, couldn't take my eyes off of it.
Perhaps I had seen planes flying overhead before, (I must have), but this is the first time I remember seeing one. I was hooked... SO.... came the big day.
We had driven to Salt Lake City for something... I can't remember why other than one of my Mom's half-sister's lived in Salt Lake City and she was doing something special, maybe graduation, getting married? I don't remember.. point is we flew home.
Can't remember what kind of plane it was other than it was, obviously, a passenger plane and a 4 engine prop plane. No kid that ever lived woke up on Christmas morning more excited than I was to fly on that plane. I had no idea what it was going to feel like... would I feel like a bird? Me, my mom, and my sister... my Mom was carrying my sister... so when we arrived at our row my Mom placed my sister into the window seat. My world came to an end. I had waited my entire life for this moment... and my sister was in the window seat.
I took it like a man. I began weeping like the President had banned puppies and candy for all time.
My Mom caved.... she picked my sister up and allowed me the window seat. And yup, nose to glass instantly.
It wasn't a totally ecstatic moment... because, as you know, you don't feel like a bird on a plane - - and I wanted it too. Never the less... I was in awe.
My second flight, BTW... came not long after. A ride in Beech Bonanza owned by a friend of my Dad. He had landed on a dirt road not far from my home and alongside a field we owned, still own. Still no feeling as a 'bird' BUT better... some bumps and wiggles and quick drops where your stomach does that thing stomachs do when you fall. I knew at that moment that no matter what all I achieved in life one thing for sure was that I was going to learn to fly a plane... which I did, in college. - JamesJM