I decided to go ahead and buy my son another car whether the Kia Optima is recovered or not. If it IS recovered, the same design defect will still be there making it easy to steal and I'm pretty sure my son doesn't want to go through this again. He is STILL traumatized. So, if the cops ever find it and it still has some value (most cars are trashed, totaled, and not worth a red cent), we will just sell it. It was a really nice car... except for the theft defect which the manufacturers knew about. There are several class action suits against KIA and Hyundai because of it.
The problem I'm facing now is that inventory for pre-owned cars is pretty slim. Frank and I have been on the internet and phone all day today and it is VERY difficult to find a 2015-2018 mid-size car (Toyota, Honda, Mazda, Suburu for less than $18K, Chevy Malibu, plus a few others) with under 80,000 miles, that's never been wrecked, gets good gas mileage, is reliable, and has a good reputation in terms of repairs and recalls. I found about 1/2 dozen this morning and they were all sold or under contract or the car was a decent price with 125,000 miles on it. Really frustrating. I bought his 2015 Kia Optima in April 2021 for $13,995 and it had 40,000 miles on it. That same car now is selling for a little over $18K!!
This is going to take longer than I thought.