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I used to be totally against HOAs. These days, ALL for them!

April 02, 2024 04:53AM
My street does not have one but I sure wish it did. Next door, I have a neighbor who is CONSTANTLY pulling trash from her car. She'll set it on and around the car. I'm talking 2-3 times a week. Often, she will leave garbage in the area for her, also grown / 60something Brother to pick up or her 92 year old Dad. The house next to them is a Rental (Say no more) They have had three orange soda cans sitting right in the middle of their front lawn for about 2 weeks.

The Wife and I have often talked about remodeling our Kitchen, removing popcorn ceilings and a few other costly things. But we both have agreed to wait out the direction of our street. I am NOT gonna make the same mistake I did with my first house. Pour TONS of $$$$$ and heart n soul into it and then LOOSE a ton of money because the area gets infested with too many "Summer's Eve" POS people. The sweet lady who lives on the other side of us is in her mid 80s and in questionable health. The house next to her is for sale after it's Owner passed away. When we moved in 12 years ago, we were just one of 3 houses out of the 15 on the street who had not been here since they were built in 1981-83. Those numbers are fading.

I LOVE LOVE our house. Already a TON of sweet memories. But I have told my Wife...If we move, we are OUT of Jacksonville and headed for the sticks. TOOOO many once great areas in this town are crashing n burning very fast.

  I used to be totally against HOAs. These days, ALL for them!

Ramgator119April 02, 2024 04:53AM

  OH!! The "neighbors" with the cans in the yard...A week and a half ago..

Ramgator61April 02, 2024 04:59AM

  I have an HOA..

sstrams49April 02, 2024 05:28AM

  I have a good Buddy who has lived in the same house since early 2002. In fact..

Ramgator46April 02, 2024 05:35AM

  Must be nice.. my HOA fees are..

sstrams59April 02, 2024 06:43AM

  I have heard of INSANE HOA fees that are around $400-$500 / month here in Florida.

Ramgator42April 02, 2024 07:27AM

  They think money is no object here

sstrams58April 02, 2024 08:00AM

  I've had fun with HOAs.

waterfield54April 02, 2024 09:22PM

  Yeah, it's kinda funny..

sstrams54April 03, 2024 02:28AM

  Re: Yeah, it's kinda funny..

waterfield66April 03, 2024 07:50AM

  That's awesome..

sstrams44April 03, 2024 08:16AM

  Re: That's awesome..

waterfield31April 03, 2024 04:28PM

  Only agreement was a spoken agreement

sstrams60April 04, 2024 04:53AM

  How do they consider it to be a HOA?

waterfield33April 04, 2024 09:12AM

  They have one meeting a year, in April..

sstrams43April 04, 2024 09:40AM

  Re: They have one meeting a year, in April..

waterfield32April 04, 2024 10:43AM

  Re: I used to be totally against HOAs. These days, ALL for them!

Aries61April 03, 2024 02:58AM

  In modern cookie cutter neighborhoods, they are almost a must, IMO.

Ramgator30April 03, 2024 08:20AM

  Having Lived in Both HOA and Non-HOA Housing Tracts...

ramBRO55April 05, 2024 06:40AM

  I am REALLY holding my breath with my street. Reminds me of my old neighborhood.

Ramgator51April 05, 2024 10:41AM

  I can see the double edge sword of HOAs. On one hand.....

Ramgator62April 03, 2024 08:28AM