February 19, 2021 02:33PM
I truly believe McVay tries to elevate the careers of his assistants. Find me an interview where he doesn't praise his assistants by name.

Now, he might have had philosophical differences with men like Bones, Phillips, and Kromer but he handled it all with respect and I doubt you will ever hear criticism of them from McVay. It surprises me when people assume dysfunction as a cause for departures. Perhaps these people were traumatized by Martz and Linehan?

A strong leader like McVay will never completely relinquish his role of setting standards and overall direction. Differences are inevitable. Will some people not really enjoy working with Sean? Sure, that's likely. But I've seen no indication that such a feeling is prevalent. But hey, negative imaginations always get the most press and speculation.

Personally, I've never seen a coach generate this many promotions so early in his career. This should be celebrated, not vilified.

  Tea Leaves

Leoram1006February 19, 2021 04:36AM

  Re: Tea Leaves

zn299February 19, 2021 06:01AM

  Re: Tea Leaves

Leoram427February 19, 2021 06:20AM

  Re: Tea Leaves

zn149February 20, 2021 04:24AM

  Re: Tea Leaves

RamsFanSince69256February 19, 2021 06:20AM

  Re: Tea Leaves

BearlyThere189February 19, 2021 08:26AM

  What coach doesn't leave for a promotion?

RockRam248February 20, 2021 03:43AM

  the ones who get promoted

zn170February 20, 2021 03:52AM

  Wanted Fassel back? Where did you read that?

RockRam159February 20, 2021 03:58AM

  Re: Wanted Fassel back? Where did you read that?

MamaRAMa144February 20, 2021 06:13AM

  I am not "recalling" anything

zn158February 20, 2021 06:45AM

  Re: Tea Leaves

BearlyThere308February 19, 2021 06:24AM

  Re: Tea Leaves

zn180February 19, 2021 08:06AM

  Re: Tea Leaves

BearlyThere177February 19, 2021 08:21AM

  Re: Tea Leaves

PHDram168February 19, 2021 08:39AM

  Re: Tea Leaves

BearlyThere182February 19, 2021 08:44AM

  Re: Tea Leaves

Leoram293February 19, 2021 02:33PM

  Re: Tea Leaves

zn157February 19, 2021 03:24PM

  Re: Tea Leaves

Ekern55144February 19, 2021 07:22PM

  Re: Tea Leaves

zn239February 19, 2021 08:33PM

  Re: Tea Leaves

Leoram129February 19, 2021 09:59PM

  Re: Tea Leaves

zn153February 20, 2021 03:36AM

  Re: Tea Leaves

roman18206February 19, 2021 07:47AM

  Re: Tea Leaves

BerendsenRam161February 19, 2021 02:49PM