February 01, 2023 07:14AM
That's an amazing story. I'm like you, it doesn't make sense that he would go to trouble and expense to give away a stolen guitar, but I can understand your reluctance. I hate to say this, but one red flag for suicidal people is they start giving away their possessions. Might explain why he didn't sell his guitar collection, and why you haven't been able to follow him since then? I hope not... there could be a lot of other explanations.

~Sign of the Rams

  Crossroads: What Ralph Macchio’s guitar solo actually sounded like....

sstrams210January 20, 2023 01:00PM

  Speaking of guitars..

Ridgewood Ram118January 20, 2023 06:44PM

  That's amazing..

sstrams118January 21, 2023 06:17AM

  Re: That's amazing..

Ridgewood Ram101January 21, 2023 07:51PM

  Yeah, dry winters would suck..

sstrams116January 22, 2023 04:46AM

  I can beat that story....!

Aries109January 24, 2023 07:24AM

  That's awesome, Aries..

sstrams85January 24, 2023 07:44AM

  Re: That's awesome, Aries..

Aries88January 24, 2023 09:50AM

  Yes you did..

sstrams134January 24, 2023 09:57AM

  Aries here a few I own that I rarely talk about.. Attachments

sstrams92January 25, 2023 01:51PM

  A drummer crashes your guitar party....

JamesJM88January 25, 2023 03:18PM

  That's like Guitar Center to me..

sstrams74January 26, 2023 02:19AM

  crashing our party

Aries91January 30, 2023 07:06AM

  Is it considered "crashing" when..

sstrams77January 30, 2023 07:10AM

  Touche' (nm)

Aries82January 30, 2023 07:10AM

  The oddest post ever made on this board....

JamesJM84January 30, 2023 07:41AM

  You'd have a blast here today..

sstrams77January 30, 2023 08:20AM

  Re: Aries here a few I own that I rarely talk about..

Aries87January 30, 2023 07:10AM

  The strat body guitars..

sstrams78January 30, 2023 08:17AM

  Here's a few more from the "rarely come out of the case" series.. Attachments

sstrams83January 31, 2023 07:20AM

  Re: Here's a few more from the "rarely come out of the case" series..

Aries92February 01, 2023 02:38AM

  Yeah, man, it was SO weird..

sstrams88February 01, 2023 04:18AM

  Re: Yeah, man, it was SO weird..

Aries88February 01, 2023 07:14AM

  I didn't think of that..

sstrams71February 01, 2023 08:26AM

  Re: I didn't think of that..

Aries90February 01, 2023 12:21PM

  I'll let ya know..

sstrams77February 01, 2023 02:35PM

  That didn't occur to me either....

JamesJM76February 01, 2023 08:54AM

  Yeah, it was somewhat shocking..

sstrams82February 01, 2023 09:00AM

  Somewhat related...

JamesJM95February 01, 2023 09:19AM

  Maybe she DID associate drums with him and..

sstrams77February 01, 2023 09:23AM

  It went very smoothly....

JamesJM85February 01, 2023 09:29AM

  Yeah, it would take a certain type person..

sstrams75February 01, 2023 11:14AM