IMO, I thought Jake did a good job of talking about his struggles in his sophomore season, while recapping some of the good stuff he did as a rookie. I realize you want somebody to tell something we don't already know, but that is not always easy. Granted number 3 CB no surprise he is filling in for White, but for me I was happy it was not Kendrick, so I'm easy, Easy Like Sunday Morning.
It's just not good viewing. Nothing against his love of the Rams or taking cues from Jourdan, that is what he has to do, he's not able to report directly. But the topic is good enough. I am glad you could enjoy the full length of it.
Also, it's not wanting things we don't know -- he's in no position, nor is Baine or those guys to do it ... it would not be fair to ask them to do what they are not capable of. But, I'm thinking 5-10 minutes rather than 20 on some of these topics ... is all I can personally take. Others --- if they like it, good on them. This one was 10 could have been 5. Some are 10 minutes and could be ten.
I think as a catalyst, it's a good jumping-off point for conversation. He's not backing up why likes Cobie wide, as opposed to star. He's better in the star position when ... he can blitz, can make some plays ... like no other player on roster. But he's small, so if there is a TE in the slot it is a matchup problem. TThat is where Lake can do better ... in matchups.
Last year, outside, he didn't play bad but was not good, either ... Rams CBs --- Rams were not happy with them but of them, I think Cobie has most value -- of those on roster last year.
The one we need to find out more about is THT .... he's real mystery
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/09/2024 01:01PM by JimYoungblood53.