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Re: Should the Rams have been more patient with Jared Goff’s development?

May 25, 2023 03:17AM
David Deacon
Goff had 2 really great seasons then went into the dumpster. Relationship issues between McVay & Goff seemed to be at the heart of the matter. What is unfortunate is that the Rams didn't get the best out of Goff and had to trade him when his value was in the basement. I think in the heat of the situation they may have lost sight of the absolute need to make the QB successful above all else. You offense won't be good unless you QB is rocking. I think Goff felt beat down by McVay and McVay lost confidence in Goff and things went into the crapper.

I think there is a little bit of fitting you plan to maximize the talent of your players with the QB being the most necessary. I don't think McVay who is a wonderful coach, was at his best in this situation. I sure both guys learned a lot from the experience and Stafford is a big upgrade but we paid a huge price to obtain his services.

Goff seems to have reclaimed his status as a good buy not great QB, a quality starter who has value in this league and is probably better than 1/2 of the QB starting in the NFL. Rams won a Super Bowl and have a better QB now. It has worked out for both the Rams and Goff so in the end it was time for him to go as the situation was unsalvageable.

That about sums it up pretty well DD. Regardless of the reasons, it was time to move on.

I think Goff's leaving was more about the "clash" with McVay than it was a lack of talent from Goff though. I get the feeling McVay can be a real @#$%& when he wants to be. He seems like a very authoritative type person, as are most coaches. He's not the Spags "Little Dictator" level but I bet he has some of those traits too.

Either way, we have a Ring and Goff is doing well in Detroit and both McVay and Goff seem happier where we are. beer cheer smiley


“Well, the color is good, I like the metallic blue,” Youngblood recently said while laughing, via NFL Journal. “The horn is terrible. It looks like a ‘C.’ When I first saw it on the logo I honestly thought it was a Charger logo.

“Now when I see it on the helmet, it just isn’t a ram horn. There is no distinct curl like a mature ram horn. I don’t know how the Rams could get that wrong. That is your symbol and it has been for what? Seventy years or more? Longer than I have been alive? It’s just not us, it’s not the Rams.”---Mr. Ram Jack Youngblood


  Should the Rams have been more patient with Jared Goff’s development?

Rams43496May 24, 2023 01:41PM

  He did all he could do with the rams

Ram4life118May 24, 2023 01:42PM

  Re: He did all he could do with the rams

Ramsdude111May 24, 2023 01:59PM

  I really like him too and wasn't bashing on him

Ram4life100May 24, 2023 02:01PM

  Didn't take it as "bashing"

Ramsdude90May 24, 2023 02:57PM

  Thanks, and I didn't mean you were

Ram4life85May 24, 2023 03:00PM

  Re: Thanks, and I didn't mean you were

Ramsdude67May 24, 2023 03:01PM

  Re: He did all he could do with the rams

Ramstien85May 25, 2023 03:18AM

  What was SO frustrating..

sstrams87May 25, 2023 03:45AM

  Yes it was sst!`

Ramsdude82May 25, 2023 04:14AM

  Re: What was SO frustrating..

Old Goat60May 26, 2023 11:02AM

  You can compare his production from 2017-through KC game, then after

JimYoungblood5361May 26, 2023 11:27AM

  He has always been a quality QB.

alyoshamucci80May 25, 2023 03:34PM

  Re: He did all he could do with the rams

Classicalwit63May 27, 2023 08:16AM

  100% Accurate.

stlramz54May 27, 2023 10:09AM

  Re: Should the Rams have been more patient with Jared Goff’s development?

alyoshamucci133May 24, 2023 05:42PM

  Re: Should the Rams have been more patient with Jared Goff’s development?

Silverback106May 24, 2023 06:23PM

  Oh, I don't remember that

Ramsdude72May 25, 2023 02:43AM

  Re: Should the Rams have been more patient with Jared Goff’s development?

Ridgewood Ram64May 25, 2023 03:36PM

  Re: Should the Rams have been more patient with Jared Goff’s development?

David Deacon84May 25, 2023 02:50AM

  Re: Should the Rams have been more patient with Jared Goff’s development?

Ramsdude72May 25, 2023 03:17AM

  should not have extended him when they did

LMU93152May 25, 2023 03:45AM

  Re: should not have extended him when they did

David Deacon70May 25, 2023 04:00AM

  I think we all scratched our heads at that extention

Ramsdude69May 25, 2023 04:12AM

  Re: Should the Rams have been more patient with Jared Goff’s development?

BruceHolt76May 25, 2023 07:52AM

  Yes, I think that is major component

JimYoungblood53104May 25, 2023 02:24PM

  Two years from now

merlin110May 25, 2023 01:49PM

  hmmmm he threw for 4500 yards

ferragamo7977May 25, 2023 03:11PM

  Goff wilts under pressure

merlin123May 26, 2023 08:24AM

  You mean change something from our CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON. GTFO!

stlramz87May 25, 2023 03:37PM

  It makes no sense.

JimYoungblood5374May 25, 2023 05:05PM

  Re: It makes no sense.

Killrazor72May 27, 2023 01:16AM

  And they are doing the same thing again

JimYoungblood5369May 27, 2023 07:43AM

  Re: And they are doing the same thing again

Killrazor73May 27, 2023 10:40PM

  I have always said Stafford can be a "streaky" player

Ramsdude71May 26, 2023 06:56AM

  We traded for a different QB and then won a SB.

Ridgewood Ram64May 28, 2023 05:46AM