I think getting someone to repair and protect them is a great idea. I am scanning what I can at a high resolution... ridiculously high really, lol... But I feel like if I have a digital record then people can make prints or do whatever they want to with them.
But the originals... you are correct... they don't improve with age. One tin photo I had was rusting or deteriorating in some way.
I will likely work on it a bit. It's not really what I do but I can clean some things up on the photos... Here is my grandfather's photo. I am saving both the original scans and the touched ups ones. Although I feel like I may have saved this mid-process because I remember it being worse than this... and you asked about the year, I couldn't get an answer.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2024 05:20PM by Atlantic Ram.