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I really want to find someone who can PROFESSIONALLY restore my Mom's albums.

June 05, 2024 04:27AM
Some go back to the 1940s. The ones I grew up with are sadly starting to dry out and the paper pages are getting really brittle. I HAVE to save them because they have Mom's writing on them under each photo. The covers are harder cardboard and in good shape. I'd like to find someone who could Professionally cut each page, thoroughly laminate each one and create a new binder album, using the original covers. Even before that is done, it will take me weeks to find misplaced photos and get them on the right pages. Many had those little white corner things that held the photos. Many popped off from the glue simply drying out. In her later years, my Mom also removed many photos to make copies and send to people but she did not replace many of them. I found many in a box.

Sad thing is.....I'm sure if I DO find restoration for the albums, it will be for just me. I mean..NOBODY looks at photo albums anymore. My boys MIGHT glance from time to time but aside from that. Most of the people who were in the albums have passed away or faded away to who know where.

  Anyone else wonder if photo documentation has actually REGRESSED with technology?

Ramgator88June 03, 2024 02:56PM

  That's a good point.

sstrams72June 03, 2024 03:19PM

  James has brought up my memory. I give a LOT of credit to my Mom.

Ramgator42June 03, 2024 03:26PM

  I've been going through family photos Attachments

Atlantic Ram77June 03, 2024 03:48PM

  What year is that photo? nm

Ramgator85June 03, 2024 04:23PM

  I'm not sure... I'm guessing 30's

Atlantic Ram43June 03, 2024 06:32PM

  I'm actually embarrassed to tell you....

JamesJM58June 03, 2024 04:57PM

  I really want to find someone who can PROFESSIONALLY restore my Mom's albums.

Ramgator72June 05, 2024 04:27AM

  Re: I really want to find someone who can PROFESSIONALLY restore my Mom's albums. Attachments

Atlantic Ram69June 05, 2024 05:19PM