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James has brought up my memory. I give a LOT of credit to my Mom.

June 03, 2024 03:26PM
Birthdays, Christmas, Vacations etc...She'd take a few photos and within 3-4 days they were developed, placed in an album and labelled..."Who, where, when etc. As a kid, I LOVED going back and looking at them. I KNOW it helped keep memories vivid. It'd make me think back to the day. Not just what was in the photo but the entire day or even era. I USED to maintain albums but stopped 30 years ago.

  Anyone else wonder if photo documentation has actually REGRESSED with technology?

Ramgator87June 03, 2024 02:56PM

  That's a good point.

sstrams72June 03, 2024 03:19PM

  James has brought up my memory. I give a LOT of credit to my Mom.

Ramgator41June 03, 2024 03:26PM

  I've been going through family photos Attachments

Atlantic Ram77June 03, 2024 03:48PM

  What year is that photo? nm

Ramgator85June 03, 2024 04:23PM

  I'm not sure... I'm guessing 30's

Atlantic Ram42June 03, 2024 06:32PM

  I'm actually embarrassed to tell you....

JamesJM58June 03, 2024 04:57PM

  I really want to find someone who can PROFESSIONALLY restore my Mom's albums.

Ramgator72June 05, 2024 04:27AM

  Re: I really want to find someone who can PROFESSIONALLY restore my Mom's albums. Attachments

Atlantic Ram69June 05, 2024 05:19PM