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Anyone else wonder if photo documentation has actually REGRESSED with technology?

June 03, 2024 02:56PM
Was talking about this earlier with my Wife. Today, we have sooooooooo many ways to take incredible photos. But if you think about it, how many see the light of day after a day or two?? I'm guilty. I have COUNTLESS photos IN MY PHONE. Back in the day, people used to write on a photo and put it in an album. Heck, I have old photo albums my Grandmother put together in the 1940s that provide more family history than what's in my phone. How many people, world wide, have lost phones, containing irreplaceable photos??? You can't grab the negatives anymore.

  Anyone else wonder if photo documentation has actually REGRESSED with technology?

Ramgator88June 03, 2024 02:56PM

  That's a good point.

sstrams72June 03, 2024 03:19PM

  James has brought up my memory. I give a LOT of credit to my Mom.

Ramgator42June 03, 2024 03:26PM

  I've been going through family photos Attachments

Atlantic Ram77June 03, 2024 03:48PM

  What year is that photo? nm

Ramgator86June 03, 2024 04:23PM

  I'm not sure... I'm guessing 30's

Atlantic Ram43June 03, 2024 06:32PM

  I'm actually embarrassed to tell you....

JamesJM59June 03, 2024 04:57PM

  I really want to find someone who can PROFESSIONALLY restore my Mom's albums.

Ramgator73June 05, 2024 04:27AM

  Re: I really want to find someone who can PROFESSIONALLY restore my Mom's albums. Attachments

Atlantic Ram69June 05, 2024 05:19PM