I'm no fan of Taylor Swift but I'll give HER her due. She has TALENT! 95% of the other crap is STUDIO Engineered garbage....I thought modern "Music" was dumbed down a few years ago when it all had the Saaaaame two beats in every song... A Bass thump and a drum / snare beat. Now, I hear noise that is NOTHING but a Bass sound. Just a "DOOOOONG" beat with TALKED lyrics. People bring up..."EVERY generation says the same thing" I disagree. My Mom and ESPECIALLY Dad did NOT care for a lot of the Music me and my Brother listened to. But I'd often hear them say....Not my style but very talented. My Mom did not like stuff like KISS or Aerosmith but she was hip to a lot of other stuff like Fleetwood Mac, Creedence Clearwater Revival and Rod Stewart.
Simply check out ANY Top 20 list for ANY week through the 70s or 80s and you will see song after song after song that are Classics. MANY variations of sounds and harmonies brought to life by REAL Musical ability. R&B back in the day had Bands like Kool & The Gang who sang harmonies while playing guitars , keyboards and horns. These days, it's lip synced crap with Dancers running everywhere to distract from the lack of talent.