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I get teased about it from time to time but......I have a very vivid memory of past events.

April 30, 2024 01:45PM
My Mom told me years ago that she noticed that even as a very young child, I would simply take the time to just closely look around at the situation I was in. I joke and make light of things on here but I have always been a very quiet and observant person. Even Gator games when me and my Brother might be a bit tipsy, I STILL would find moments of self silence to simply take in where I was. The older I get, with the passing of friends and family, such a vivid memory becomes more n more bitter sweet. Funny this is all brought up because just yesterday, as I made spaghetti, the smell of cool air coming from the AC and the smell of the spaghetti took me back to a very vivid memory I have of setting our table as Mom cooked spaghetti. I remember looking out at my Grandfather, who lived across the street, cutting his grass. I remember at that moment, the smell of Dinner and the cold air coming from our window AC that was in our small Dining Room. It sorta bummed me because then, I'd set the table for 5 people. The four in my family and my Grandfather. They are all gone now. Again, memory can be bitter sweet.

LOL With ALLLLLL that said, I have a CRAP memory for studying material. I had people tell me... HOW are you not a Chief yet??? I have a TOUGH time reading and learning material. I have to bust my butt for average results for Promotion Exams. Right here and now, someone could tell me how to cut n paste something and I'll probably forget it in a day or two.......But watching the orange crane that helped replace the sewer line on my street in 1971 seems like yesterday! LOL

  "The Land That Time Forgot" on Svengoolie, this Saturday.

Ramgator120April 29, 2024 02:19AM

  Re: "The Land That Time Forgot" on Svengoolie, this Saturday.

SeattleRam59April 29, 2024 06:33PM

  Gator.. do you have a photographic memory?

JamesJM47April 30, 2024 10:37AM

  I get teased about it from time to time but......I have a very vivid memory of past events.

Ramgator53April 30, 2024 01:45PM

  I'm kind of like that..

sstrams43April 30, 2024 05:09PM

  I sorta credit my Mom and her photos.

Ramgator51May 01, 2024 07:46AM

  SMELLS triggering memories is a strange one for me.

Ramgator35May 01, 2024 07:52AM

  Re: SMELLS triggering memories is a strange one for me.

SeattleRam38May 01, 2024 12:17PM

  MUSIC too! Whenever I hear a song from the 70s or 80s, that too will take me back.

Ramgator40May 01, 2024 07:54AM

  I've always had a specific "feeling"

sstrams46May 01, 2024 10:11AM

  Time machine

IowaRam89May 01, 2024 01:45PM

  I would think , or hope , all of us have have memories like that

IowaRam36May 01, 2024 01:24PM

  A photographic memory?

JamesJM51May 01, 2024 02:00PM

  LOLOL Rams won that one 10 to 7!!!

Ramgator40May 03, 2024 03:51PM

  Well now you're just being annoying.

JamesJM35May 03, 2024 03:57PM

  Re: A photographic memory?

SeattleRam39May 03, 2024 04:30PM

  Do you guys remember the show. "That's Incredible"?? I recall they had people...

Ramgator41May 04, 2024 09:36AM

  Frank Tarkenton John Davidson and there was a women

ferragamo7927May 06, 2024 06:16PM

  Cathy Lee Crosby. She and Joe Theisman were an item for a while.

Ramgator34May 07, 2024 01:52PM