July 22, 2021 01:16PM
And the CDC says that if you're vaccinated you're far less likely to catch and spread the variant. And if you do catch it the symptoms will be very minor. That's just what I've read anyway. If someone's read different then please let me know. I like to be informed.

Now if the CDC is right then the likelihood of a mostly vaccinated NFL team having covid cases spread among vaccinated people and causing an outbreak is very low. And unvaccinated people will be required to test daily still right? So they'll be able to track covid cases still.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/22/2021 01:19PM by Ram_Ruler.

  NFL puts forfeits in play for outbreaks among non-vaccinated players/staff

BerendsenRam421July 22, 2021 10:11AM

  Good. It's a business.

promomasterj169July 22, 2021 10:20AM

  Re: Why not go further?

dzrams283July 22, 2021 10:31AM

  Re: Why not go further?

moklerman206July 22, 2021 11:06AM

  I don't disagree with what the NFL is doing.

Ram_Ruler249July 22, 2021 11:46AM

  Re: I don't disagree with what the NFL is doing.

h2omelonhead148July 22, 2021 12:00PM

  Capitalism? It's not that... it's about government control

RockRam134July 22, 2021 12:37PM

  Flip side of that coin, it's about accountability

Ram_Ruler144July 22, 2021 01:13PM


RAMbler140July 22, 2021 01:20PM

  That's the part that I don't get

Ram_Ruler129July 22, 2021 01:27PM

  Damn gov-ment - get off my lawn!

promomasterj159July 22, 2021 01:53PM

  Really? If the vaccine solves those issues, why is mask wearing still happening?

RockRam206July 22, 2021 12:31PM

  Football players are employees

Ram_Ruler131July 22, 2021 01:03PM

  They brought the masks back because you can't tell who's vaccinated

promomasterj283July 22, 2021 01:51PM

  Because they have a Union.

RockRam182July 22, 2021 12:23PM

  Non vaccinated not okay. vaccinated okay then?

HornsUpRamily!309July 22, 2021 01:13PM

  Well it seems that the government and NFL is following the guidelines of the CDC here

Ram_Ruler161July 22, 2021 01:16PM

  Re: Well it seems that the government and NFL is following the guidelines of the CDC here

HornsUpRamily!269July 22, 2021 01:21PM

  As has been said... many many many many many many times...

RAMbler308July 22, 2021 01:25PM

  Re: As has been said... many many many many many many times...

HornsUpRamily!144July 22, 2021 01:28PM

  Here's the problem about picking out cases like this.

Ram_Ruler308July 22, 2021 01:26PM

  ^^^ Thats what I tried to say.... thanks! nm

RAMbler130July 22, 2021 01:28PM

  LA hospitals filling with the unvaccinated....

DaJudge217July 22, 2021 01:30PM