June 06, 2020 03:28PM
Well.....Maybe not ignored but not overly recognized either, other than a few 80s Vietnam movies.

  Let us not forget

waterfield290June 06, 2020 07:16AM

  HUGE WWII events happened in June.

Ramgator166June 06, 2020 07:48AM

  Re: Let us not forget

21Dog176June 06, 2020 09:04AM

  Re: Let us not forget

waterfield161June 06, 2020 09:23AM

  Unfortunately. . .

RAMbeau189June 06, 2020 01:23PM

  You got that right. What I dread...

Ramgator153June 06, 2020 01:34PM

  Re: Unfortunately. . .

waterfield182June 06, 2020 01:59PM

  ..and we saw it from a totally different perspective..

sstrams208June 06, 2020 02:27PM

  A side note. . . ...

RAMbeau217June 06, 2020 02:39PM

  I believe it.. My mom didn't have the opportunity..

sstrams207June 06, 2020 05:26PM

  Another difference. . . .

RAMbeau173June 06, 2020 02:29PM

  That was SO uncool..

sstrams157June 06, 2020 02:35PM

  My final answer. . .

RAMbeau187June 06, 2020 02:50PM

  Yep. Nam Vets were ignored till AFTER Desert Storm.

Ramgator210June 06, 2020 03:28PM

  Re: Another difference. . . .

waterfield182June 06, 2020 03:03PM

  Yeah.. I really don't know a lot..

sstrams153June 06, 2020 05:28PM

  Re: Yeah.. I really don't know a lot..

waterfield150June 06, 2020 07:29PM

  I have often said it. What I have loved most about being a Firefighter...

Ramgator206June 06, 2020 03:30PM

  Never ever....will I forget

ferragamo79244June 10, 2020 03:40PM