every time I read about your temps I have to put on an extra layer of clothing. Seriously... I don't know how you can take it. I'd never leave the house.
The coldest temp I was ever in, (at least where I know exactly what the temperature was), was in New Jersey when i lived in Belmar. It was -3 that day with a wind chill of -17. I went out in it just to experience it, never having been in weather like that. It hurt. I mean actual pain. I couldn't face into the wind because it was like knives stabbing me in the face.
It's possible I've been in colder weather on some of my backpacking trips, camping trips, and like I posted on the other board some cattle drives around the western USA BUT... I never checked to see how cold it was on those trips.
My two most cold memories both took place in Arizona, of all places. Once in Phoenix while standing in line at the race track, just before dawn - - and the other while hunting in southern Az in the Chiricahua Mtn. In the Chiricahuas I had risen a couple hours before dawn and hiked up to a spot on the side of a mountain that I had checked out for deer sign the day before. Sitting there waiting for the sun to come up I didn't think I was going to survive. I had never before been that cold. I remember that when the sun came up the sunbeams were gradually coming down to me on the side of that mountain and when they were just over my head I lifted my hands up into the rays and it felt like an electric heater... greatest feeling EVER. - JamesJM