How about some intrigue? There are those who want both teams suspended. But toss in this little tidbit:
One of the teams involved has a team coming in from Alaska to play them this Friday. Yikes! However...
From what I can tell, which could very well be wrong - I'm only going by the videos I've seen and there are no doubt many I have not seen - plus the fact that I don't know what started it..... but the team hosting the team from Alaska doesn't appear to have been the instigator in the fight. Again, I could be wrong but I haven't seen anything from them like I have from the other team who definitely did start some action.
One thing for sure - no matter the decision from CIF (the ruling body), somebody is not going to be happy.
So thought I'd toss in my two cents, for what it's worth. Fighting, (we'll all agree), has to be discouraged and discouraged firmly. At minimum the players who actually fought should have to sit out X? number games... I heard it's supposed to be 3 games automatically but I can't verify that. From what I saw many players DID take the field but relatively few actually fought. So I don't think a 'team' suspension warranted. I could be wrong about that.... like to hear what you think. Most players AND coaches did take the field but coaches... from what I saw in video and I'm hearing ONLY tried to break-up the fights... none of the coaches were participants in the fight although at least one coach was attacked. He did NOT fight back. - JamesJM
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/26/2024 04:19PM by JamesJM.