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I watched all of those as well..... and a 'surprise' addition....

March 30, 2024 09:33AM
I still love all those movies and watch them periodically. In my household, (when I was a kid), I believe the annual broadcast of the Wizard of Oz was second only to Christmas for being a 'big event'. We looked forward to it like I look forward to a Ram's SB.

Ok, my surprise.... but first my prediction. I don't think ANY of you will remember this movie BUT..... at least for you elder folk - you DID see it, even if you don't remember it. That's because like the Wizard of Oz it was shown EVERY year, once a year, on a special day.... the title:

"The Horn Blows At Midnight" - starring.... the funniest human being, (naturally funny), of all time Jack Benny. Ring any bells? It was shown every New Year's Eve, at least around here it was.

So I'm not putting this movie in the Wizard of Oz category.... or The Ten Commandments... it's not. BUT... it was an annual event for me on New Year's Eve. My Dad couldn't stay up long enough to watch it, laughing smiley , until one year they showed it before 9pm and he was able to finally watch it.... he loved it. Jack Benny was his favorite comedian. I think he may be my favorite comedian as well. laughing smiley - JamesJM

  For fans of "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World", very interesting video.

Ramgator98March 30, 2024 03:27AM

  Does anyone still watch The Ten Commandments

IowaRam47March 30, 2024 07:56AM

  Re: Does anyone still watch The Ten Commandments

MamaRAMa52March 30, 2024 09:08AM

  I watched all of those as well..... and a 'surprise' addition....

JamesJM51March 30, 2024 09:33AM

  I miss those days...When TV was a lot more special.

Ramgator34March 30, 2024 09:47AM

  Poor ol Yul Brynner......Do any of you remember not long before he passed away...

Ramgator50March 30, 2024 09:52AM

  If I'm not mistaken...

JamesJM39March 30, 2024 09:54AM

  Here's the ad.....

Ramgator50March 30, 2024 10:00AM

  Just possibly the greatest movie ever made....

JamesJM55March 30, 2024 09:19AM

  That amount of Comic talent in that one movie is mind blowing!

Ramgator44March 30, 2024 09:49AM

  Loved all the Charlton Heston epics

SeattleRam53March 30, 2024 10:44AM

  Re: Loved all the Charlton Heston epics

MamaRAMa56March 30, 2024 11:08AM

  Re: For fans of "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World", very interesting video.

SeattleRam41March 30, 2024 06:08PM

  Gotta repeat myself.....

JamesJM55March 30, 2024 07:13PM

  My favorite quote from that scene

SeattleRam76March 30, 2024 07:28PM

  Jesse White.....I think you're correct nm

21Dog33March 31, 2024 04:37AM

  It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World! - ALL Deleted/Extended Scenes

IowaRam42April 01, 2024 01:31PM