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Saw it in the theater

September 14, 2023 03:29PM
As a kid.. I remember my parents didn't want me to see it because the radio commerical for it was the line, "the only good human is a dead human"..

Friendship is like peeing your pants.. Everybody can see it, but only you can feel the warmth..


  ORIGINAL "Planet Of The Apes". Might watch my DVD tomorrow. As a kid...

Ramgator157September 14, 2023 01:55PM

  Re: ORIGINAL "Planet Of The Apes". Might watch my DVD tomorrow. As a kid...

SeattleRam81September 14, 2023 03:16PM

  Saw it in the theater

sstrams66September 14, 2023 03:29PM

  LOLOL I'm a FB friend with a guy who was a friend of my Brother. When I was 6..

Ramgator67September 14, 2023 03:52PM

  Ha! Around that time, I even had a P.O.T.A. coloring book! nm

Ramgator65September 14, 2023 03:53PM

  Did you see the remakes?

sstrams63September 15, 2023 10:36AM

  No. I only know of the Whalberg one. Did NOT like it. nm

Ramgator56September 16, 2023 05:14AM

  their making a fouth one

IowaRam72September 16, 2023 06:55AM

  When I was 6..

sstrams75September 15, 2023 10:26AM

  Rotting away... posted this before....

JamesJM85September 15, 2023 11:57AM

  This sets my mind soaring.... Attachments

JamesJM72September 15, 2023 12:07PM

  They made 4 mechanical sharks for Jaws..

sstrams76September 15, 2023 01:54PM

  Did you ever see the 1980 flick "Raise The Titanic"??

Ramgator66September 16, 2023 05:28AM

  Interesting! I JUST found this,,,,,

Ramgator62September 16, 2023 05:34AM

  Look on Youtube. There are several videos of filming locations. One of my favs...

Ramgator58September 16, 2023 05:17AM

  Years ago, I saw a REALLY good Documentary on the making of TPOTA.

Ramgator63September 16, 2023 05:43AM