I've been to the movie theater twice in the past 25 years. I saw "Shrek 2" when my daughter was about 12 and "50 Shades of Grey" in 2015 but I was in the middle of chemo treatments at the time and so tired I slept through most of i). RAMbeau and I love movies (we like tv series even more) but we don't feel the need to go to a theater. We prefer watching from the comfort of home. There is an endless selection of movies and tv series available through our streaming service and the internet so we're never bored. There is always something to watch.
Right now we're watching the 7-season series "The Good Wife", we just finished the very excellent 5-episode series "Chernobyl" (the scary thing is... it really happened). and I think we may squeeze in "Yellowjackets" or "Generation Kill".