Hollywood has been pumping out mostly garbage for the last 30 years but I've never seen it as bad as it is right now. Most movie writers right now are more activists then writers. Checking all there social warrior boxes comes first, writing a interesting movie comes a distance second. I've watched a few YT vids lately showing all the trailers for the new films coming out and none of them look good.
I know good writers still exist because as bad as film has been there has been a ton of really good TV shows over the last 10 years. I think the difference is TV shows have to be good or they get canceled. Even a bad film if marketed right can bring in enough money over the first two weeks to turn a profit.
On a side note, I always use to be disappointed that Cary Grant retired from acting when he was 60, especially since I though many of his last films were some of his best. But now seeing so many actors in there 70s and 80s making films I'm glad he left when he did.