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Re: they will probably move on

May 30, 2018 07:47AM
I think that's likely too- extend one of Saffold, Brown or Havenstein. Hope 2 of the 3 between Noteboom, Allen and Demby can become starters. Have 4 new starting OL by 2020.

I just dunno how they’ll approach their OL options next offseason.

There are so many moving parts in these multiple decisions, not the least being the desirability of some continuity.

But that cap cannot be ignored and heaven knows that we have some elite type playmakers that will need cap gobbling extensions soon.

Hopefully, Noteboom looks like a future Whit replacement. If so, that’s beyond huge. If not, this next draft is reportedly loaded with LOT talent. IOW, our perceived LOT situation is the linchpin for our OL cascade of decisions.

Geez, I love this existing OL and wish we could keep it together for a while. But I’m a realist and recognize that that won’t be affordable.

My best guess at this time for ‘19?

Saffold will be a cap casualty. It kills me to think of losing him now that his shoulders are fixed and he’s playing at such a high level, but his age is starting to be a factor and his salary will definitely be hard to absorb.

I think that they’re happy with Hav and will try very hard to extend him, even at the expense of losing Brown. I see them placing a high priority on extending Hav.

I like Brown’s play and I think Kromer does, too. They may decide to strain a bit on his salary to try to keep him for continuity’s sake. Might be doable, but might not. I’m sure that they want to keep Goff healthy and keep those holes open for Gurley. Sooooo...

Let’s see how Allen, Demby, and Noteboom look this year. I mean, it’s barely possible that we grabbed 3 future starters there. ‘Course, it’s also possible that all we gained were 3 future backups, too. Fingers crossed.

Gonna trust the coaches regarding our OL while I enjoy the heck out of this upcoming ‘18 season.

Let the OL chips fall where they may.

  Jamon Brown Enjoying Continuity on Offensive Line

RamBill640May 27, 2018 11:28AM

  Re: Jamon Brown Enjoying Continuity on Offensive Line

LMU93299May 28, 2018 05:31AM

  Re: Jamon Brown

den-the-coach263May 28, 2018 06:14AM

  Re: Jamon Brown Enjoying Continuity on Offensive Line

zn369May 28, 2018 07:27AM

  Re: Jamon Brown Enjoying Continuity on Offensive Line

den-the-coach262May 28, 2018 07:44AM

  Re: Jamon Brown Enjoying Continuity on Offensive Line

zn292May 28, 2018 08:34AM

  Geez, it’s okay to say that the new guys are better than the old guys...

Rams43272May 28, 2018 08:50AM

  Re: Jamon Brown Enjoying Continuity on Offensive Line

den-the-coach336May 28, 2018 09:12AM

  yep disagree

zn280May 28, 2018 09:37AM

  I agree with all of that

Atlantic Ram235May 28, 2018 05:27PM

  Re: I agree with all of that

zn278May 28, 2018 05:51PM

  That continuity would be very welcome... NM

Atlantic Ram217May 28, 2018 09:20PM

  the last time the Rams played the same 5 OL 2 seasons in a row

zn283May 29, 2018 03:12PM

  Re: Jamon Brown Enjoying Continuity on Offensive Line

Rams43282May 28, 2018 08:13AM

  Re: Jamon Brown Enjoying Continuity on Offensive Line

PeoriaRa243May 29, 2018 01:31PM

  they will probably move on

zn205May 30, 2018 06:42AM

  Re: they will probably move on

LMU93230May 30, 2018 06:45AM

  Re: they will probably move on

zn225May 30, 2018 06:54AM

  Re: they will probably move on

Rams43242May 30, 2018 07:47AM

  A very interesting post on this topic by BonifayRam...

Rams43195May 30, 2018 08:32AM

  Re: A very interesting post on this topic by BonifayRam...

LMU93345May 31, 2018 05:33AM

  Re: A very interesting post on this topic by BonifayRam...

zn303May 31, 2018 05:55AM