It's no crime to give an honest opinion based on undeniable facts and evidence.
Someday...maybe even soon...the Rams will be in a better situation that portends well for the future. And your good-natured faith and loyalty will be rewarded. It's good to state that, too.

Thanks sanfRAM. I needed that. Lol.
Great to see you posting again, man.
Yes, absolutely, it's no crime to have an opinion. But then no one said it was.

I will say this 43. I am glad you finally dropped this "you are what your record says" thing. I have always maintained that the mere record by itself tells you nothing--you have to look at the actual team and its situation. Granted your opinion and my opinion of what the team is and what its situation is differs. But you are right, the mere record at this point can't be taken as some kind of final answer. It never is. You have to look at the team itself and ask about whether or not it reflects what the record says. So I applaud that. And that's sincere.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 10/12/2016 03:09PM by zn.