EVERY game in the NFL has an alternate stadium in an emergency like hurricanes, major snowfall, tornados and other things.
One of those other things is raging wildfires effing up air quality. And torrential rainfall. And flooding.
Remember the NFL can't squeeze in a back to back game on back to back days or the day after like other sports can.
It's been this way for a lot of years maybe you have just missed it.
Where to start?
LA can chew gum and walk at the same time. The Fires are miles away from Inglewood and the winds have finally died down.
Which means the firefighters can now deploy their air assets.
I know you guys are seeing the TV images showing the thick smoke but trust me, just a very few miles away the air is just fine. The prevailing breezes see to that.
It’s now Wednesday evening and the game isn’t until Monday night. Things will look a lot better by then, even in the affected areas.
A same day as a game blizzard on the east coast is one thing, but this is nothing like that.
The game can and should be played as scheduled on Monday night.
I’m not trying to minimize the disaster for those immediately affected, but let’s don’t throw out the baby with the bath water in the meantime.