Sooo many excuses. I've heard them all.
The weather is too nice.
Everyone is a transplant from another city.
LA only supports "winners".
There's too much to do here.
There was no team in LA for many years.
It's all Ticketmasters fault!
And on and on and on.
Any or all of those things could be true but it doesn't change the bottom line that other teams fans seem to "takeover" Sofi waaay too often.
Yes, "takeovers" happen in other Cities too but they seem to happen at Sofi more often.
There is no way all those opposing fans are from LA. The issue is that there are too many tickets available to non Ram fans...every game. lol
It seems like there are more opposing fans that are willing to overpay, travel, skip the beaches and are willing to miss out on all that stuff LA has to offer just so they can come support THEIR team while Rams fans are more interested in going to the beach, selling their tickets for profits, enjoying the weather some place other than Sofi or going to all the other things LA has to offer.
There are many great loyal Rams in LA. (MANY of them right here on this board.) Just not enough to stop the amount of "takeovers" we see so often. We need more fans like them!
I am not sure how to stop the takeovers and I am not sure the Rams care either way as long as tickets are sold. lol
I would love a "rabid" fan base that didn't allow "takeovers" if it did happen, they would make them think twice about doing it again! lol
In Philly if they try to takeover the place the Philly fans make sure they are not welcome! lol
I love the Rams are in LA again. They have always been the LA Rams to me even when they were in STL but I have to give that STL crowd a big thumbs up for their support even during our darkest seasons.
Maybe Kroenke should offer to fly out some of those loyal STL fans to Sofi to help fill the seats!

“Well, the color is good, I like the metallic blue,” Youngblood recently said while laughing, via NFL Journal. “The horn is terrible. It looks like a ‘C.’ When I first saw it on the logo I honestly thought it was a Charger logo.
“Now when I see it on the helmet, it just isn’t a ram horn. There is no distinct curl like a mature ram horn. I don’t know how the Rams could get that wrong. That is your symbol and it has been for what? Seventy years or more? Longer than I have been alive? It’s just not us, it’s not the Rams.”---Mr. Ram Jack Youngblood