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Anyone else get locked out of facebook?

March 26, 2022 06:51AM
I got locked out yesterday morning stating I HAD to enable two factor authorization due to being a high profile user and had to enable "Facebook Protect" which is some new security feature targeted at high profile users so they don't get hacked.. WTF?

So, the options for two factor authorization are:

* Submit a cell phone number and every time I login, they text me a code to manually input
* Download an app in which facebook can pass me authorization codes so I can login
* Buy this USB key device that saves login credentials, but has to be plugged in every time I use facebook - cost $50

So, I don't own a cellphone, so no texting me an authorization code
I can't install their apps because my OS's are not current enough - I have to maintain older OS's on my home computers in order to continue to use the Adobe Suite I bought years ago - AND - i can't install apps on work computers..
I ordered two USB key devices, but they won't be here for days..

WTH is going on? I view this as facebook being extremely invasive into my personal life - like they weren't enough, already.. I used my wife's cell number to get logged in on one computer, but in doing so, facebook sent me a message stating that by using that cell phone number, they now have the rights to send me ads and friend suggestions and whatnot to that cell phone number.. In my opinion, THAT is the main reason they're requiring me to use Facebook Protect - in order to send me ads all day and possibly track cell phone usage under the guise that they're adding protection to my account for MY benefit..

There is NO end to the BS that company will force its users to agree to.. my guess is that eventually ALL users will have to conform to using Facebook Protect.. and they DON'T give you a head's up that its going to happen.. they don't give you a date to do or die by.. They simply lock you out whenever they feel like it and you are 100% locked out until you conform..

Friendship is like peeing your pants.. Everybody can see it, but only you can feel the warmth..


  Anyone else get locked out of facebook?

sstrams115March 26, 2022 06:51AM

  I have to do the two factor authorization login thing

IowaRam70March 26, 2022 07:00AM

  It would be much easier...

sstrams81March 26, 2022 07:21AM

  Happened to me twice...... Two 24 hr lockouts. Because.....

Ramgator83March 26, 2022 09:05AM

  That's a different kind of lockout..

sstrams82March 26, 2022 11:07AM

  yeah , different kind of lockout then what I was thinking

IowaRam98March 26, 2022 11:28AM

  I'm on facebook every day..

sstrams81March 26, 2022 12:57PM