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Last night's school board meeting..

January 19, 2022 01:17PM
was interesting, to say the least.. we had a HUGE turnout of Coyote alumni wearing red and black, carrying stuffed Wiley Coyote dolls, huge Coyote banners, framed photos of past coach and player legends - you name it.. we had former players, former city counsel members, lawyers, 75 year old former cheerleaders etc... it was a REALLY great turnout..

So, of course, there were about 8 people there with the sole intent of threatening the school board into doing what they wanted - which was to kill the Coyotes.. Ironically, they stated WE were the privileged crybabies who always got what they wanted and they never got anything..

It was soooooo weird.. when people walked up to speak, you could TELL what side they were on just by their faces.. the pissed off crew all looked - I dunno - somewhat psycho.. a couple of them were SO pissed their voices cracked while talking.. They made accusations, they told outright lies, and they provided personal attack son some of our speakers, who had already spoken.. seriously - 75-80 year old women being personally attacked strictly because they wanted to save the Coyotes.. I wanted to punch every single one of them in the face.. I have never been so outright disgusted with humanity in my life..

..and the sad thing is what's happening to THEIR school is a done deal, no matter what we propose.. their school is becoming a middle school no matter what we do or say.. think they finally decided to take out their anger on someone and we were the perfect target.. Before we proposed our plan last Thursday, I had not heard ONE word from those people being upset with what was happening..

One lady, a local business owner, literally said that the "only people trying to save the Coyotes are the near dead".. she ragged on us, accused us of copyright infringement (we are not proposing to use the Wiley Coyote image - we only use it because it used to be the mascot and its sentimental to us - they haven't used that image in decades) stated she'd make sure that we were prosecuted for using it - and that the penalty was $150K per violation, which is know is accurate.. and made up a whole bunch more BS.. she got her 3 minutes worth in, for sure..

So, this morning I see everyone on the group I admin for the Coyotes posted to BOYCOTT her local coffee house business.. and that sh*t got shared HUNDREDS of times within minutes.. she pm'd me, at first, threatening if I didn't take it down what all she'd do and I replied that we had MANY local business owners and professionals that would NOT speak or take a public stand for the EXACT same reason - that they didn't want to dig their own business grave.. and I told her when you take a public stand, and actually totally INSULT the people, lie about them, and say we're all "near dead" that there are gonna be repercussions.. But I lightened up and told her to tag me in each post and I would remove it.. AND I DID... But I didn't HAVE to - she couldn't have done a dadgum thing about it, had I left them up, because they didn't violate facebook policy..

So, does she even thank me? No.. she did not.. in fact, she started tagging me in EVERY post she didn't agree with, wanting me to take them ALL down.. there are HUNDREDS of posts she tagged me in to remove that had nothing to do with her and were generally only positive posts about the Coyotes.. Seriously.... why do I even TRY with some people? I won't remove any more of the posts calling for boycotts of her business.. and, in this town, that could seriously do her in.. she's not from here, and has a coffee shop RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET FROM STARBUCKS!

Ok, I'm done venting.. oh, and no word yet from the board..

Friendship is like peeing your pants.. Everybody can see it, but only you can feel the warmth..


  What the hell is wrong with people these days?

sstrams648December 22, 2021 10:08AM

  TOTALLY get your vent. I don't know what is worse....

Ramgator140December 22, 2021 10:22AM

  One of the schools I contacted for help..

sstrams220December 22, 2021 12:10PM

  Why are they changing the name from Coyote ?.....nm

IowaRam213December 22, 2021 12:38PM

  Not really sure...

sstrams130December 22, 2021 12:46PM

  This coming from the students ?

IowaRam135December 22, 2021 01:12PM

  Fromm what I've seen, its ONLY coming from..

sstrams152December 22, 2021 01:19PM

  Re: What the hell is wrong with people these days?

MamaRAMa231December 22, 2021 12:45PM

  Yeah, we're confused, as well..

sstrams151December 22, 2021 01:27PM

  just a guess, but......

21Dog164December 22, 2021 01:58PM

  Nice thought, but no...

sstrams134December 22, 2021 02:12PM

  Here's a pic of the building I really like Attachments

sstrams141December 22, 2021 01:40PM

  Re: Here's a pic of the building I really like

MamaRAMa162December 22, 2021 02:47PM

  I totally agree..

sstrams138December 22, 2021 02:53PM

  A REAL School! What is up with TODAY'S School construction.

Ramgator153December 23, 2021 01:15PM

  Re: A REAL School! What is up with TODAY'S School construction.

waterfield178December 31, 2021 01:04PM

  A friends sent me comparison info..

sstrams124December 31, 2021 01:08PM


Ramgator133January 03, 2022 03:13PM

  We have a major lotto too..

sstrams102January 03, 2022 03:16PM

  It's a FARCE!

Ramgator102January 03, 2022 03:22PM

  You been drinking Gator? lol

sstrams96January 03, 2022 03:34PM

  LOL No. That topics just gets me going.

Ramgator133January 04, 2022 11:22AM

  Well, you SHOULD have been drinking...

sstrams103January 04, 2022 12:52PM


Ramgator103January 04, 2022 01:19PM


sstrams100January 04, 2022 01:21PM

  That and.....

Ramgator105January 05, 2022 09:03AM

  I'm glad I don't live in Florida....nm

IowaRam224December 31, 2021 01:08PM

  Florida has become an EFFING JOKE!!!

Ramgator142January 03, 2022 03:21PM

  I broke down.. Attachments

sstrams154December 23, 2021 01:24PM

  This situation is insane....

JamesJM124December 23, 2021 01:43PM

  Trying, man...

sstrams229December 23, 2021 01:52PM

  Call me Mr. Confused

waterfield178December 31, 2021 01:11PM

  Re: Call me Mr. Confused

sstrams114December 31, 2021 01:53PM

  Re: Call me Mr. Confused

waterfield110January 01, 2022 09:25PM

  Re: Call me Mr. Confused

sstrams182January 02, 2022 06:43AM

  have to talked to any of the currant students

IowaRam181December 23, 2021 03:09PM

  Will never give up...

sstrams275December 23, 2021 03:35PM

  History wise , we're probably not that far off Attachments

IowaRam139December 23, 2021 05:10PM

  Was that photo taken in July???? LOL

Ramgator149December 24, 2021 04:19AM

  The other guy..

sstrams189December 24, 2021 09:35AM

  Now you've done it....

JamesJM223December 24, 2021 10:54AM

  Was a great meeting.. Attachments

sstrams284December 24, 2021 12:01PM

  I actually heard back from Tommy Kramer..

sstrams277December 25, 2021 05:24AM

  Re: I actually heard back from Tommy Kramer..

IowaRam125December 25, 2021 07:17AM

  Yeah, the holy grail..

sstrams134December 25, 2021 07:42AM

  We have digital billboards now... Attachments

sstrams170December 27, 2021 05:37PM

  Wow, get after it Steve!

JamesJM108December 27, 2021 06:48PM

  Yes we do, Jimmy...

sstrams148December 28, 2021 05:21AM

  Re: We have digital billboards now...

MamaRAMa254December 27, 2021 08:21PM

  We'll see, Mama..

sstrams132December 28, 2021 05:22AM

  I love it

21Dog137December 28, 2021 04:53AM

  You can count on it, 21..

sstrams293December 28, 2021 05:25AM

  Can anyone sign the petition.?

IowaRam175December 28, 2021 08:05AM

  Anyone can sign..

sstrams305December 28, 2021 08:48AM

  Well then post the link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!

JamesJM175December 28, 2021 09:02AM

  Link to sign the petition..

sstrams144December 28, 2021 09:11AM

  I just cleaned up the Spider..

sstrams142December 28, 2021 09:30AM

  Did the TV interview today...

sstrams153December 29, 2021 04:43PM

  Yard signs are going out! Attachments

sstrams169December 30, 2021 11:57AM

  Re: Yard signs are going out!

IowaRam160December 30, 2021 01:13PM

  No! its not..

sstrams371December 30, 2021 03:46PM

  Nice lady helped me jump start my car today

ferragamo79149December 30, 2021 07:00PM

  Cool! you might think about..

sstrams164December 31, 2021 04:26AM

  my wife said the same thing

ferragamo79166December 31, 2021 07:23AM

  Its not the same model, but is similar...

sstrams151December 31, 2021 08:38AM

  Thanks I'll take a look

ferragamo79175December 31, 2021 09:02AM

  Yeah, I think I got two for $125..

sstrams137December 31, 2021 09:25AM

  We carry something similar in all our vehicles

IowaRam178December 31, 2021 10:42AM

  Is "Coyote" is derogatory term nowadays??

NewMexicoRam182December 31, 2021 06:18PM

  No, not the way our Coyote is pronounced..

sstrams116December 31, 2021 08:55PM

  Re: Is "Coyote" is derogatory term nowadays??

waterfield176January 01, 2022 09:30PM

  Well, that's OUR question...

sstrams203January 02, 2022 07:33AM

  I think we are making a difference..

sstrams139January 03, 2022 03:36PM

  My question

IowaRam177January 03, 2022 04:14PM

  Well, that IS a point I want to make..

sstrams155January 03, 2022 04:57PM

  We are radically changing our battle plan...

sstrams121January 08, 2022 07:02AM

  there are other high schools involved in this as well ?

IowaRam106January 08, 2022 10:14AM

  Well, there's currently..

sstrams114January 08, 2022 11:37AM

  sounds like basically went through here Attachments

IowaRam104January 08, 2022 01:05PM

  Sounds about right...

sstrams116January 08, 2022 01:32PM

  There might come a day Attachments

IowaRam103January 08, 2022 01:34PM

  That definitely won't happen here..

sstrams112January 08, 2022 01:44PM

  thats kinda what has me puzzled

IowaRam102January 08, 2022 01:55PM

  It actually wasn't advertised very well..

sstrams120January 08, 2022 02:00PM

  Things are heating up...

sstrams111January 14, 2022 10:42AM

  any updates ?

IowaRam99January 14, 2022 10:49AM

  Yeah, just posted an update - the post above this one..

sstrams203January 14, 2022 11:17AM

  Re: Yeah, just posted an update - the post above this one..

MamaRAMa91January 14, 2022 11:20AM

  Yeah.. its shocking...

sstrams136January 14, 2022 11:25AM

  Last night's school board meeting..

sstrams119January 19, 2022 01:17PM

  Re: Last night's school board meeting..

MamaRAMa103January 19, 2022 02:13PM


sstrams92January 19, 2022 04:38PM

  So what happens next ?

IowaRam193January 19, 2022 04:49PM

  The local paper did the math..

sstrams156January 19, 2022 05:16PM