October 21, 2020 12:53PM
Continuing to keep you in my thoughts.


"It's nice to be nice to the nice." Frank Burns

  MRI results are in..

sstrams435October 20, 2020 09:28AM

  Re: MRI results are in..

MamaRAMa159October 20, 2020 09:38AM

  Well......It looks like....

Ramgator154October 20, 2020 10:30AM

  Easy for me to say but...

Ramgator140October 20, 2020 10:37AM

  Re: MRI results are in..

waterfield178October 20, 2020 12:02PM

  Here's a copy/paste of the..

sstrams140October 20, 2020 12:11PM

  write your questions down and tell him to describe

ferragamo79140October 20, 2020 12:24PM

  Re: write your questions down and tell him to describe

waterfield149October 20, 2020 01:32PM

  Yeah, we'll grill him good..

sstrams156October 20, 2020 02:08PM

  You've had kind of a rough year or two

IowaRam241October 20, 2020 12:15PM

  I'd like a break or two, but..

sstrams139October 20, 2020 01:05PM

  What's next? I HOPE....

Ramgator147October 20, 2020 12:36PM

  Yeah, I need a plan..

sstrams231October 20, 2020 01:07PM

  best of luck old friend

zn260October 20, 2020 12:50PM

  Thanks zn..

sstrams201October 20, 2020 01:08PM

  you got this, Steve

21Dog146October 20, 2020 01:55PM

  Thank you 21..

sstrams150October 20, 2020 02:09PM

  Well all of that sounds awful

Atlantic Ram142October 20, 2020 03:58PM

  Yeah, its good we caught it now...

sstrams258October 20, 2020 04:20PM

  Re: MRI results are in..

AlbaNY_Ram150October 20, 2020 04:14PM

  Thanks AlbaNY..

sstrams150October 20, 2020 04:22PM

  Prayin' for ya, man.

BlueRidgeHorns178October 21, 2020 02:50AM

  Thank you BlueRidge...

sstrams136October 21, 2020 04:36AM

  Prayers going your way...

roman18169October 21, 2020 06:24AM

  Thanks Roman and back atcha..

sstrams223October 21, 2020 06:39AM

  Re: Thanks Roman and back atcha..

roman18137October 21, 2020 07:09AM

  Re: MRI results are in..

sacram142October 21, 2020 10:56AM

  Thanks sacram..

sstrams207October 21, 2020 11:04AM

  Re: MRI results are in..

RAMbler145October 21, 2020 11:29AM

  Thank you RAMbler...

sstrams130October 21, 2020 01:14PM

  Re: MRI results are in..

canadaram144October 21, 2020 12:53PM

  Thanks canada...

sstrams128October 21, 2020 01:16PM

  I remember . . .

RAMbeau204October 22, 2020 11:21AM

  I hope they were cool..

sstrams260October 22, 2020 12:59PM

  This board is awesome therapy.

Ramgator138October 22, 2020 03:20PM

  Same here..

sstrams197October 22, 2020 03:46PM

  The horrors of concentrating on the obvious..

sstrams170October 24, 2020 07:20AM

  I'm no Oncologist (SP??? lol) but I have heard....

Ramgator145October 24, 2020 08:00AM

  Yeah, I'm not either..

sstrams144October 24, 2020 10:09AM

  I have had thirteen kidney stones. Four sent me to the ER.....

Ramgator156October 24, 2020 05:12PM

  Then you know..

sstrams138October 25, 2020 05:23AM

  Re: The horrors of concentrating on the obvious..

zn157October 24, 2020 08:01AM

  Good luck with that order...

sstrams157October 24, 2020 10:07AM

  WHEN people ask how you beat it, now you can say.....

Ramgator140October 24, 2020 08:34AM

  Both my Step Dad and Father In Law had Gall stones removed.

Ramgator140October 24, 2020 08:45AM

  Oh man.....stay strong my brother!!!.

Rampage2K-292October 25, 2020 05:20PM

  Thanks R2K..

sstrams161October 25, 2020 05:21PM

  Back from Dallas..

sstrams195October 28, 2020 10:05AM

  Re: Back from Dallas..

zn173October 28, 2020 02:48PM

  Well, I'm not sure how long ago he looked at them..

sstrams141October 29, 2020 04:36AM

  Goes to show that a wall COVERED with degrees and certs.....

Ramgator146October 28, 2020 04:18PM


sstrams141October 29, 2020 04:39AM

  Good lord

Drew2839168October 29, 2020 09:02AM

  Thanks Drew..

sstrams226October 29, 2020 09:35AM

  Re: Back from Dallas..

AlbaNY_Ram175October 31, 2020 09:53AM

  I emailed him Thursday..

sstrams209October 31, 2020 10:14AM

  Simply unforgivable....

RAMbler133November 02, 2020 08:59AM

  Thanks RAMbler..

sstrams151November 02, 2020 09:57AM

  Re: Thanks RAMbler..

RAMbler139November 02, 2020 10:45AM

  Thanks again RAMbler..

sstrams140November 02, 2020 11:02AM