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Little League Travel Ball has gone Bat Poop CRAZY! My Neighbor across the Street...

May 06, 2024 04:14PM
His SEVEN year old Grandson plays travel ball. This past Saturday, they had to travel 3 hours into Georgia and played FOUR games. Had to be at the Park at 8 AM for a 9 AM first game.They were at that park till 6:30 PM. So they left Jacksonville at 5 AM and did not get home till 10PM. THAT is flat out STUPIDITY! Nothing but Player AND Parent Burn Out.

  Little League Travel Ball has gone Bat Poop CRAZY! My Neighbor across the Street...

Ramgator77May 06, 2024 04:14PM

  Club sports is ridiculous

ferragamo7933May 06, 2024 06:21PM

  For years, I thought I was gonna Coach Little League Baseball. And THEN....

Ramgator36May 07, 2024 08:54AM

  Yup, that's my experience as well, Ferragamo...

JamesJM36May 07, 2024 11:42AM

  Think I mentioned it before...Even ex Braves Star, John Smoltz slammed Little League.

Ramgator26May 07, 2024 01:41PM