And nothing can change this: As much as anyone may not like the way
the defense operates-it's a good defense. It is undeniable. It's a fact.
What's "undeniable" and a "fact" is what I posted in my last post whether you like it or not. The "off coverage" takes AD and the others "out of the game". You seem to ignore that it is more than just me and 43 saying this.
Do you really think you know more than Aikman, Romo and Baldy? C'mon man. Why would they all say the same things??? I know, they are a part of the #FireMorris crowd too, right? That's your "go to" response to anyone who criticizes Morris or his "system", isn't it? lol
Just because you are good at posting "stills" and "stats" on an internet message board doesn't make you a genius, brother and you sure as h3ll aren't always right. Now THAT is undeniable and a fact!
BTW, you never answered how AD is supposed to get to the QB in under 2 seconds.

You also didn't deny that the off coverage allows/encourages teams to get the ball out at a record pace to neutralize AD and our other rushers. I wonder why? I'll tell you why...because it's a fact!
Tine to get off your "high horse" and admit you are wrong on this one. It's ok. Admit it. Accept it. Learn to live with it. Nobody will judge you...much.

“Well, the color is good, I like the metallic blue,” Youngblood recently said while laughing, via NFL Journal. “The horn is terrible. It looks like a ‘C.’ When I first saw it on the logo I honestly thought it was a Charger logo.
“Now when I see it on the helmet, it just isn’t a ram horn. There is no distinct curl like a mature ram horn. I don’t know how the Rams could get that wrong. That is your symbol and it has been for what? Seventy years or more? Longer than I have been alive? It’s just not us, it’s not the Rams.”---Mr. Ram Jack Youngblood