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November 15, 2022 12:48PM
You can post all the stats you want but it doesn't mean you are right. It's easy to find "stats" to back any opinion if you look hard enough.

Also, stats from 2020 and 2021 don't accurately apply to this year IMO. It's a different team with a different supporting cast around AD. What once worked ok might not be the best option now.

It has been proven and discussed here, on other message boards, in numerous articles and mentioned by many announcers and media people like Aikman, Tony Romo and Baldy too that the "off coverage" invites other teams to get rid of the ball quickly to take advantage of the big cushions. That makes it harder for the rush to get there not easier. It's a fact whether you want to believe it or not.

Most QB's we have played are able to get the ball out in record time due to the off coverage. In some cases in under 2 seconds! Please tell me how the h#ll AD or anyone for that matter can get to the QB faster than 2 seconds??? I know AD is good but he's not Superman! rolled eyes smiley

Seriously, you seem like a smart guy, so just stop trying to prove you know more than the experts. There have been many people smarter than you and me who have said exactly what I said above. Maybe, just maybe, they are right and you might be wrong?

Sometimes your defense of Morris makes sense...but not this time. Sorry.


“Well, the color is good, I like the metallic blue,” Youngblood recently said while laughing, via NFL Journal. “The horn is terrible. It looks like a ‘C.’ When I first saw it on the logo I honestly thought it was a Charger logo.

“Now when I see it on the helmet, it just isn’t a ram horn. There is no distinct curl like a mature ram horn. I don’t know how the Rams could get that wrong. That is your symbol and it has been for what? Seventy years or more? Longer than I have been alive? It’s just not us, it’s not the Rams.”---Mr. Ram Jack Youngblood


  Letters to Jourdan: Jonathan H

leafnose551November 15, 2022 04:27AM

  Yeah, nice letter...

sstrams226November 15, 2022 04:40AM

  Re: Yeah, nice letter...

The_Zone202November 15, 2022 06:35AM

  That would be nice, Zone...

sstrams131November 15, 2022 06:41AM

  Every single pick?

Ramsdude108November 15, 2022 08:33AM

  He was better than Spags and Linehan..

sstrams139November 15, 2022 08:45AM

  OK but one glaring omission

Atlantic Ram230November 15, 2022 06:12AM

  can't block, can't run, can't get to the passer

LMU93155November 15, 2022 06:35AM

  great points nm

21Dog109November 15, 2022 08:07AM


Arkansas Ram121November 15, 2022 08:12AM

  Re: OK but one glaring omission

ramBRO158November 15, 2022 06:38AM


JimYoungblood53103November 15, 2022 11:51AM

  Re: OK but one glaring omission

Crazylegs115November 15, 2022 12:05PM

  One omission…

LaloRam138November 15, 2022 07:17AM

  Defensive Money allocation and Defensive Philosophy

darams222279November 15, 2022 08:59AM

  Good post, and I'll add to that

BigGame81158November 15, 2022 09:09AM

  You're not wrong 222

Ramsdude157November 15, 2022 09:14AM

  Not right

JimYoungblood53107November 15, 2022 12:24PM


Ramsdude224November 15, 2022 12:48PM

  It does mean I am right

JimYoungblood5383November 15, 2022 01:26PM

  According to you...you are always right when it comes to Morris

Ramsdude105November 15, 2022 01:40PM

  Re: BS

ramBRO189November 15, 2022 01:32PM

  I think you nailed it

JimYoungblood53111November 15, 2022 01:45PM

  Re: BS

Ramsdude198November 15, 2022 01:47PM

  all of this magnified x1000 by insane amount of injuries

Rampage2K-123November 15, 2022 09:13AM