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Not right

November 15, 2022 12:24PM
This philosophy is negating Aaron Donald. .

no matter what someone thinks about cushions, it is not what is limiting Donald. Essentially same
scheme as 2020 and 2021 that is being played in 2022

In 2020 Donald was the Defensive Player of the Year
in 2021 he was 3rd in the voting

Averaged 13.5 and 12.5 sacks in those seasons.4 FF each season
Pressures about the same---

The difference in production in 2022 is there is zero help for him.
37% of Rams pressures this year are Donald's in 2022
2020-21 combined about 28% or so.- he's going at with
basically alone.

in 2020-21 pressure percentage was 23%
in 2022 it's about 13%

Less pressure--essentially same scheme
it's not the scheme--it's the lack of Floyd being what he used to be
and Gaines and Lewis and Hollins not able to do their jobs
when in years past there were at least a few complimentary players
to help.

If you ask about game plans and scheme---
What people miss is that they equate one terrible drive
at end of Tampa game to the lack of success of he defense

Rams defense is 6th in total defense
4th best against the run
9th in defensive points allowed
10th best is forcing the most 3-and-outs (offense is 5th from the bottom)

Rams offense has the ball more than their opponents, they cannot do anything with it
Rams defense is 8th best in allowing drives of 10 plays or more--not the best but not close to the worst
Rams not allowing long drives this year--compared to other teams--it's yet another falsehood
that is thrown about without evidence.

No, it's not perfect - but if there were more pressure from
some complimentary players all those numbers would be better

Bottom line is the scheme is not a problem for Donald's usage
in terms of cushions--it's a myth. He won DOPY and was
3rd in voting another year.

Ramsey is rated a top 5 CB both in 2020-21 and he
likes the scheme and the coach,

Wagner, this is his first year in it, but he's playing mostly pretty good.

I know people get frustrated with too soft of cushions--but when they
tripled the amount of press looks by one or both CBs they give up
27 points to Colt McCoy.

Defense for all the fire morris crowd is a top 10 defense.

Now, offense---one of worst in NFL. And they give the
defense zero help. More 3 and outs than all but 5 teams
cannot sustain a drive, cannot run the ball

Is it the scheme? Or the injuries to the online?

People are entitled to their own opinions, but not to
their own facts--and I realize you are not part of that group

You are being fair and asking questions . . .but the haters
will jump all over this question by you and scream

and likely not even acknowledged that the coverage was
tighter and it was not a good game. They got what they
wanted---and nothing to show for it.

But, hey, it LOOKED better.

I prefer the results and will take a top 10 defense.

  Letters to Jourdan: Jonathan H

leafnose551November 15, 2022 04:27AM

  Yeah, nice letter...

sstrams226November 15, 2022 04:40AM

  Re: Yeah, nice letter...

The_Zone202November 15, 2022 06:35AM

  That would be nice, Zone...

sstrams131November 15, 2022 06:41AM

  Every single pick?

Ramsdude108November 15, 2022 08:33AM

  He was better than Spags and Linehan..

sstrams139November 15, 2022 08:45AM

  OK but one glaring omission

Atlantic Ram230November 15, 2022 06:12AM

  can't block, can't run, can't get to the passer

LMU93155November 15, 2022 06:35AM

  great points nm

21Dog109November 15, 2022 08:07AM


Arkansas Ram120November 15, 2022 08:12AM

  Re: OK but one glaring omission

ramBRO157November 15, 2022 06:38AM


JimYoungblood53103November 15, 2022 11:51AM

  Re: OK but one glaring omission

Crazylegs115November 15, 2022 12:05PM

  One omission…

LaloRam138November 15, 2022 07:17AM

  Defensive Money allocation and Defensive Philosophy

darams222279November 15, 2022 08:59AM

  Good post, and I'll add to that

BigGame81158November 15, 2022 09:09AM

  You're not wrong 222

Ramsdude157November 15, 2022 09:14AM

  Not right

JimYoungblood53106November 15, 2022 12:24PM


Ramsdude224November 15, 2022 12:48PM

  It does mean I am right

JimYoungblood5383November 15, 2022 01:26PM

  According to you...you are always right when it comes to Morris

Ramsdude105November 15, 2022 01:40PM

  Re: BS

ramBRO189November 15, 2022 01:32PM

  I think you nailed it

JimYoungblood53111November 15, 2022 01:45PM

  Re: BS

Ramsdude198November 15, 2022 01:47PM

  all of this magnified x1000 by insane amount of injuries

Rampage2K-123November 15, 2022 09:13AM