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Re: Except Fox is younger and more productive

March 05, 2021 08:57AM
Fox wasn't subbing for Brockers though.

I think he got his sacks subbing for Donald or at linebacker when they played a 4 man front.

Brockers is a keeper until he just can't play.
He one of the last Links to StLouis as well if that matters.
Kinda on the level of a team Captian.
That one change the team should shy away from.

I understand the sentimentality, CM, but I’ve gotta disagree.

A cap-strapped SB contender with a limited window has to make some difficult choices. Brockers and Hav are expendable if push comes to shove as an opportunity at a ‘need’ position comes up. The ‘Greater Good’ thing, you know?

  Let's talk about A'shawn Robinson

RantoulRam871March 04, 2021 03:58PM

  Re: Let's talk about A'shawn Robinson

Rams43467March 04, 2021 04:15PM

  Re: Let's talk about A'shawn Robinson

nicecatchellard312March 04, 2021 05:43PM

  Re: Let's talk about A'shawn Robinson

AlbaNY_Ram594March 05, 2021 06:47AM


PHDram220March 05, 2021 06:55AM

  Re: Let's talk about A'shawn Robinson

Rams43236March 05, 2021 07:02AM


PHDram222March 05, 2021 07:05AM

  Re: idk

RantoulRam500March 05, 2021 07:16AM

  Re: Let's talk about A'shawn Robinson

AlbaNY_Ram249March 05, 2021 07:34AM

  Except Fox is younger and more productive

promomasterj239March 05, 2021 07:43AM

  Re: Except Fox is younger and more productive

Rams43282March 05, 2021 07:51AM

  Re: Except Fox is younger and more productive

CraigMatson809March 05, 2021 08:40AM

  Re: Except Fox is younger and more productive

Rams43199March 05, 2021 08:57AM

  Re: Except Fox is younger and more productive

3030164March 05, 2021 09:00AM

  Re: Except Fox is younger and more productive

Rams43214March 05, 2021 09:06AM

  Re: Except Fox is younger and more productive

zn181March 05, 2021 06:48PM

  Didn't they both play DE?

promomasterj382March 05, 2021 01:29PM

  Re: Except Fox is younger and more productive

AlbaNY_Ram260March 05, 2021 08:55AM

  Re: Except Fox is younger and more productive

Rams43170March 05, 2021 09:03AM

  Yes, both play LDE

promomasterj521March 05, 2021 01:32PM

  Re: Yes, both play LDE

AlbaNY_Ram180March 05, 2021 02:07PM

  I guess it's 25 lbs vs 4 years in age

promomasterj171March 05, 2021 04:10PM

  Re: Yes, both play LDE

dzrams158March 05, 2021 04:57PM

  Re: Except Fox is younger and more productive

3030189March 05, 2021 08:58AM

  I'm hoping they keep Fox

LMU93170March 05, 2021 09:47AM

  Both Brockers and Robinson would be best, but not affordable

RockRam160March 06, 2021 04:39AM

  Re: Both Brockers and Robinson would be best, but not affordable

Rams43322March 06, 2021 06:11AM

  Player for player trades don't happen much

RockRam150March 06, 2021 09:15AM

  Re: Player for player trades don't happen much

Rams43158March 06, 2021 09:45AM

  Lions lost free agent review: A'Shawn Robinson

Rams Junkie231March 05, 2021 12:55PM

  Re: Let's talk about A'shawn Robinson

Anonymous User252March 05, 2021 04:52PM