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By this rationale, the conclusion is irrefutable that Gurley didn't help the offense

September 01, 2016 06:40AM
I accept your explanation of analysis being inferences drawn from evidence. I simply said yours failed because you stated a strong conclusion – i.e. Austin’s production didn’t help the offense - without providing much evidence.

It is not good analysis to look at the results of something and conclude that one of the variables did not help without analyzing other important variables. Inferences are fine after analyzing all important elements.

You did a better job of that in response here. However, you’re still missing any analysis on the effect of Foles’ extremely subpar year at QB and nearly all rookie OL. Both of those variables have a huge impact on the passing game.

I simply was suggesting that your argument would have much more credibility if you had of done a better job of stating why it was Austin and Gurley who did not help the offense rather than the variables of QB and OL having the biggest effect.

On the second point, before we can say that Austin has managed to defy the odds, we have to establish what the odds are. It’s not established yet that being 5’8” and 180 lbs gets you injured more frequently in the NFL. If we’re playing the evidence card, we need some here. I’m glad you offer the trend line charts as evidence to support your last point. This improves your analysis. I’d like for you to point me in the direction of where you saw this info. I tend to think that it is common sense if a defense dedicates resources to taking something away, a good OC should be able to exploit that somewhere else.

Austin's "production" in 2015 did not result in an overall improvement in offense from the previous season. That is an irrefutable fact. We can discuss why it didn't, but there is no disputing that it didn't.

You appear to hope to pass the reason off on the variable of the different QB combination, Austin Davis and Shaun Hill vs. Nick Foles and Case Keenum. And I suppose the theory that the offensive line that had a terrible GRob as a rookie, Scott Wells, Davin Joseph, Saffold and Barksdale was in some very meaningful way superior to what will essentially be this year's Oline again, a more experienced GRob, Barnes, Havenstein, Brown and Saffold. If these are variables you believe explain it, you must be exceptionally pessimistic about this season.

Maybe we shouldn't extend him either by that logic.

Football isn't one-on-one basketball, it is the team sport par excellance. Causes and effects are multi-valent. You can gussy it up all you want, the thought process here is horribly reductionist and over-simplistic.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/01/2016 06:43AM by Kind of Blue/Gold.

  How do Austin's 10 TDs rank among skill positions?

Kind of Blue/Gold1075August 29, 2016 10:44AM

  on how many touches?....vs. everyone else?

SunTzu_vs_Camus431August 29, 2016 03:33PM

  I don't think his contract needs justifying IMO

zn437August 29, 2016 06:00PM

  Re: I don't think his contract needs justifying IMO

BeachBoy427August 29, 2016 06:13PM

  Groh's influence

LMU93488August 30, 2016 05:02AM

  I agree

Atlantic Ram434August 30, 2016 05:28AM

  I think Austin's touches decrease, yards increase

LMU93416August 30, 2016 05:58AM

  Re: on how many touches?....vs. everyone else?

reggae474August 29, 2016 06:58PM

  Re: on how many touches?....vs. everyone else?

zn391August 29, 2016 07:04PM

  Re: on how many touches?....vs. everyone else?

reggae405August 29, 2016 07:09PM

  If you factor in that Gurley didn't have Austin's 8.3 Y/A average

Kind of Blue/Gold488August 31, 2016 08:04AM


jemach352August 31, 2016 06:57AM

  So, Ted Ginn Jr, right?

9er8er487August 30, 2016 07:45PM

  Re: So, Ted Ginn Jr, right?

TonyHunter87421August 30, 2016 08:06PM

  You forgot to mention Williams ballooned up to 260 lbs.

Kind of Blue/Gold568August 31, 2016 08:50AM

  Re: You forgot to mention Williams ballooned up to 260 lbs.

TonyHunter87432August 31, 2016 10:13AM

  Re: You forgot to mention Williams ballooned up to 260 lbs.

Kind of Blue/Gold347August 31, 2016 11:03AM

  Re: You forgot to mention Williams ballooned up to 260 lbs.

TonyHunter87366August 31, 2016 11:07AM

  Re: You forgot to mention Williams ballooned up to 260 lbs.

Kind of Blue/Gold422August 31, 2016 12:32PM

  He is the Rams 2nd best offensive player

Rams_81381August 31, 2016 02:11AM

  Re: So, Ted Ginn Jr, right?

dzrams387August 31, 2016 07:47AM

  Appreciating the value of actual "analysis"

9er8er396August 31, 2016 05:43PM

  Re: Appreciating the value of actual "analysis"

dzrams400August 31, 2016 07:03PM

  The conclusion is irrefutable

9er8er307September 01, 2016 03:02AM

  By this rationale, the conclusion is irrefutable that Gurley didn't help the offense

Kind of Blue/Gold605September 01, 2016 06:40AM

  Re: Appreciating the value of actual "analysis"

Kind of Blue/Gold268September 01, 2016 06:56AM

  Ginn didn't have 10 TDs until his ninth season at age 30

Kind of Blue/Gold414August 31, 2016 08:47AM

  and with Cam Newton

Atlantic Ram545August 31, 2016 09:00AM

  Re: Ginn didn't have 10 TDs until his ninth season at age 30

9er8er345August 31, 2016 05:48PM

  Re: Ginn didn't have 10 TDs until his ninth season at age 30

Kind of Blue/Gold304September 01, 2016 06:27AM

  Re: How do Austin's 10 TDs rank among skill positions? Attachments

Blue and Gold425August 31, 2016 06:50AM

  How much will top tier WRs be making in 2018? 2019? 2020? 2021? N/M

Kind of Blue/Gold384August 31, 2016 07:38AM

  How is "top tier WRs" relevant in this discussion?

9er8er395August 31, 2016 05:51PM

  The announced pay today

Kind of Blue/Gold255September 01, 2016 06:30AM

  Re: The announced pay today

Rampage2K-280September 01, 2016 08:57AM