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Re: Still Confused Over The Whole "Build The Offense Back Up" Thing

March 19, 2023 06:54PM
Don’t know for sure, BRO, but here’s my crystal ball projection.

Rams 2nd will probably be traded in a modest trade down which will give us a late 3rd or early 4th extra, depending.

I see the following positions picked but the order will be determined by who falls:


Those 4 positions are where Rams need best intersects value, I think.

Those 4 positions have 2 O players and 2 D players, of course, but O can be ‘finished’ by picks later at RB and maybe WR (if AR leaves)

I suspect that Rams are pretty comfortable with Boom or Jackson as their LOT and Hav at RT. But those other 4 positions are critically needed upgrades now and fortunately this draft will be deep in all of them.

Beyond those 4 it’s gonna be a crapshoot for BPA’s at needed positions or just for depth. No position will probably be off the table. And I do expect them to draft their kicker and punter late on Day 3. I think that was their plan all along.

So, that’s my best guess based on what we know in late March with zero FA activity other than the Shelton extension. Other opinions may vary. Lol.

And the draft could throw Snead a curveball if a QB like this Hooker kid should fall. Or maybe a RB that they just love.

  Still Confused Over The Whole "Build The Offense Back Up" Thing

ramBRO291March 19, 2023 04:50PM

  Re: Still Confused Over The Whole "Build The Offense Back Up" Thing

GroundPounder139March 19, 2023 05:02PM

  Fair points

JimYoungblood53192March 19, 2023 05:08PM

  Re: Fair points

ramBRO130March 19, 2023 06:20PM

  Yes, offense looks the same. Even the OL

Ram4life177March 19, 2023 06:06PM

  Re: Still Confused Over The Whole "Build The Offense Back Up" Thing

Rams4397March 19, 2023 06:54PM

  Re: Still Confused Over The Whole "Build The Offense Back Up" Thing

ramBRO78March 19, 2023 07:53PM

  Re: Still Confused Over The Whole "Build The Offense Back Up" Thing

AlbaNY_Ram106March 20, 2023 05:01AM

  Re:"Build The Offense Back Up" Thing

leafnose83March 20, 2023 07:22AM