but I don't see either Kershaw or Buehler contributing other than helping the opposing teams. Glasnow appears to be wearing down -something many forcasted. Notwithstanding Flaherty, Dodgers still have major impediments to be faced in the playoffs. If Miller comes back and Ryan continues as he is now, then move Betts back to RF and platoon the CFs-hopefully impediments erased although I do think tby waterfield - Bucky's Pub
one of the greatest backs to retire as such a young age. (had he not continued with Atlanta)by waterfield - RamsFootballFans.com
Did not know about it. Does sound like something I would clearly want to see. Is it a series and if so "limited" ?by waterfield - Bucky's Pub
My take: When life is soft and easy injuries will be more frequent and devastating. Not a popular take since nothing can be done about it.by waterfield - Bucky's Pub
It's over. Bring back Betts, Muncy,Freeman, Yamamota, Glassnow, and all those newly acquired-same story=soft. Not Roberts fault, not Friedman, just So Cal softness-the most "easy living" in the nation. Injuries Of course but softness will always allow more susceptibility to injury than when life is harder.by waterfield - Bucky's Pub
"I long for the days when we had 3 channels" Growing up I remember only one thing from our Admiral TV set. Sunday nights was Hopalong Cassidy and neighbors that didn't have a tv would come over.by waterfield - Bucky's Pub
In California you need a specialist contractor who knows the danger of removing popcorn ceilings. That dust you referred to above is really bad stuff and you need to be careful because popcorn ceilings carry asbestosis and that can cause cancer ( mesothelioma). When we removed ours it was not cheap.by waterfield - Bucky's Pub
Did see it James. I can't imagine how sore these women -same as men-must be after a match. No pads, no helmet, etc.by waterfield - Bucky's Pub
women's rugby? If not,your in for a treat. Some of these women belong in the NFL !by waterfield - Bucky's Pub
Of course. Gliding through calm water powered by human strength and endurance. Thought the book was way better.by waterfield - Bucky's Pub
The one with Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. One of my all time favorite movies. She played the entire movie that showed her natural beauty IMO. No makeup except at the opening where Cooper discovers her in a gay bar singing. I thought the piece that crew did at the Olympics was terrible. Likely explained by the fact they really had no rehersal time.by waterfield - Bucky's Pub
On line-Peacock. Get everything. Can back up to start if you miss something. My wife has it set so that we won't miss an event.by waterfield - Bucky's Pub
Very sorry Steve. Don't have any magical words to make your loss less than what it already is. Take care of yourself my friend.by waterfield - Bucky's Pub
If you can't get in to see the gastro doc than go the the ER-unless everything goes away-then follow up with your doc. I just wouldn't go forward based on this board.by waterfield - Bucky's Pub
It was until I ended the first week with pneumonia spending a hight in a Calgary hospital. Seems that when the desert winds come blowing off the plains into the Canadian Rockies the temperature within minutes can go from -12 to 45 degrees. That got to me.by waterfield - Bucky's Pub
Dry humor. Same with most British humor. Does not lend itself to cussing.by waterfield - Bucky's Pub
I'm betting some of your dive spots took it badly ?by waterfield - Bucky's Pub
Yes-many dogs are lost when they can't find their way out of a pool and no one is around. So sad.by waterfield - Bucky's Pub
As you know I've had several (5) Springers and most, if not all, loved the water. But most were very hesitant when it came to a home pool for some reason. Pepper is now 13 and slowing down as we all are. I think her issue with our pool may be linked to the fact that when she was little I picked her up threw her into the pool. Not a smart thing to do.by waterfield - Bucky's Pub
I so love this ! As you can imagine. Pepper will go in the ocean with me and follow me anywhere I swim. But she won't touch our swimming pool even if I'm in it. Crazy. BTW: How did she do during the 4th (fireworks, etc)?by waterfield - Bucky's Pub
Sardines from a can with a squeeze of lemon on a cracker-nothing better or healthier.by waterfield - Bucky's Pub
Moreover, let's not forget the principles and values that caused men and women to cross an ocean to free themselves from authoritism and a monarchy.by waterfield - RamsFootballFans.com
Barbara and I attended the first week of the winter Olympics in Calgary-beginning with the Opening Ceremonies. For me the joy of that week was meeting and talking to people from all over the world. During the opening flyover and torch lighting we sat directly in front of mink wearing Russians who shared flasks of vodka with us. At night we ate dinner at a popular but crowded restaurant with theby waterfield - Bucky's Pub
If I'm not mistaken your "beach" is likely Cayucos. I've run Pepper there many times and most people do clean up their pet deposits. A few don't likely because they don't think ahead and carry poop bags. After all dogs really get excited on the beach and are going to poop out of sheer joy. But most people there are dog people and understand this.by waterfield - Bucky's Pub
That's how I read it at first. I thought how awful to post something like that.by waterfield - Bucky's Pub
Did you consider his arthritic inflammation that was giving him excruciating pain as soon as weight was put on that knee?by waterfield - RamsFootballFans.com