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Damn, I must be good......

April 08, 2013 03:34AM
other than Frank tripping out about IE 10 not working (trust me, it doesn't work on most of the internet sites I've been on with it, so it's not just here... LOL), it looks as if I did a pretty good job.

I'll see about getting the spell checker fixed over the next couple of days.

Holler if you guys come across any other issues.... thx.

  Post-Rebuild Problems thread.... POST ISSUES HERE!

Ramsrule3326April 07, 2013 04:00AM

  Spell-check is broken.....

Ramsrule1685April 07, 2013 04:06AM

  My messages are.....

RAM231725April 07, 2013 05:31AM

  spell check = fixed nm

Ramsrule1700April 11, 2013 07:59AM

  Well ferout, now I.....

RAM231726April 16, 2013 05:33AM

  This is merely a test. . . .

RAMbeau1694April 07, 2013 05:31AM

  So the complaint box is open, huh. . .LOL. . .

RAMbeau1700April 07, 2013 05:38AM

  Damn, I must be good......

Ramsrule1692April 08, 2013 03:34AM

  Re: Post-Rebuild Problems thread.... POST ISSUES HERE!

RamFire1703April 09, 2013 11:18AM

  Self Joining Herd

R4M1740April 23, 2013 09:07AM

  Re: Self Joining Herd

Shaky1619April 23, 2013 12:31PM

  Re: Self Joining Herd

Shaky1654April 23, 2013 12:32PM

  Re: Self Joining Herd

R4M1729April 24, 2013 09:17AM