January 03, 2023 09:25PM

  Absolutely impossible question.. music...

JamesJM293January 03, 2023 04:40PM

  Re: Absolutely impossible question.. music...

MamaRAMa195January 03, 2023 06:20PM


SeattleRam128January 03, 2023 06:55PM

  Love both answers so far. (nm)

JamesJM134January 03, 2023 09:25PM

  I'll give you one you won't love........

21Dog124January 04, 2023 05:48AM

  I would have more easily answered the question..

sstrams196January 04, 2023 02:30AM

  I don't think I could handle it......

roman18171January 04, 2023 10:37AM

  Sex Pistols......

sstrams190January 04, 2023 10:47AM

  Have their CD, used to have the 8-track.....

roman18145January 04, 2023 11:13AM

  Sure did.. I did my college term theme on..

sstrams222January 04, 2023 11:53AM

  David Gray

DaJudge148January 04, 2023 01:17PM

  I'll take Dean Martin for 500 Alex........................but

IowaRam125January 04, 2023 02:01PM

  Ok Jimmy, you've had time to think..

sstrams177January 05, 2023 03:29AM

  LOL... haven't had time....

JamesJM116January 05, 2023 01:50PM

  Re: LOL... haven't had time....

21Dog168January 05, 2023 01:53PM

  Re: Absolutely impossible question.. music...

MamaRAMa141January 05, 2023 02:01PM


sstrams115January 05, 2023 02:23PM

  James Taylor (nm)

Aries93January 05, 2023 05:11PM

  Ricky Nelson (nm)

waterfield146January 06, 2023 08:40AM

  I was thinking

IowaRam223January 06, 2023 07:28PM

  That would explain the sweat on your forehead....

sstrams88January 07, 2023 04:43AM

  I'd go Beatles,,,,but be happy with Van Morrison or Miles Davis

ferragamo7999January 07, 2023 08:04AM

  forgot....Jackson Browne behind Beatles

ferragamo7982January 08, 2023 06:05PM

  The Beatles for me....

RAMbler160January 11, 2023 11:16AM