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I do not remember High School very well....

September 15, 2022 07:42AM
I remember college very well... and VERY strangely I remember grade school very well, better than High School.

Today there is no one from my High School class that I see regularly. There are a few that I see maybe once or twice per year.

Just had a visit from a classmate, he now lives in Georgia, that I went to school with from Kindergarten thru High School.. I wrote about it... he's currently in Alaska finishing up his month's long trip to 49 states in his camper truck. No idea if he'll be visiting Hawaii.

I have two friends I was in the Army with that I'm in contact with. One in Utah and the other very close to home, the town of Visalia. I'm meeting my friend from Visalia for dinner right after Christmas.

Famous people from my High School... I can think of only one.. Ray Camacho, had and I think still has a band playing Mexican music. Since I was brought up in 7th grade to play trumpet with the High School I played with Ray for one year.

Ah, there was one other... I forget his name... but he was well known as a dancer on Broadway.

  High School's notable alumni

waterfield293September 14, 2022 08:43PM

  I do not remember High School very well....

JamesJM109September 15, 2022 07:42AM

  AHA, I remembered his name...

JamesJM120September 15, 2022 07:45AM

  Re: I do not remember High School very well....

SeattleRam171September 15, 2022 07:59AM

  I have several close friends...

JamesJM91September 15, 2022 08:05AM

  I do...

sstrams98September 15, 2022 08:10AM

  I was at my 20th class reunion...

JamesJM182September 15, 2022 08:19AM

  I'd say more than 60% here moved away..

sstrams84September 15, 2022 08:48AM

  remember hearing radio ads..........

21Dog178September 15, 2022 12:59PM

  Santa Clara High School 23 Olympic Gold Medals (26 total medals) Mark Spitz and Coach Haines

JoeMad135September 15, 2022 09:01AM

  Re: Santa Clara High School 23 Olympic Gold Medals (26 total medals) Mark Spitz and Coach Haines

waterfield200September 15, 2022 01:19PM

  Re: Santa Clara High School 23 Olympic Gold Medals (26 total medals) Mark Spitz and Coach Haines

JoeMad120September 15, 2022 02:27PM

  Re: Santa Clara High School 23 Olympic Gold Medals (26 total medals) Mark Spitz and Coach Haines

waterfield109September 15, 2022 02:56PM

  yes, dedication

JoeMad120September 16, 2022 07:16AM

  So did mine

waterfield98September 16, 2022 09:05AM

  To repeat my story...

JamesJM110September 16, 2022 07:38AM