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Steve, new iMac arrived...

June 16, 2021 05:18PM
WOW but it's a LOT smaller than my old iMac. Old iMac is 27" and this new one is 24"... didn't think it would make a lot of difference but it DOES!

No matter, I bought a new external monitor as well and it's big plus very good resolution.

I began the migration early this afternoon... it did not go well but I think it's working now. Lots of tweaking and adjusting and connecting before I could get it to work. And THEN, when it began working, it said "216 Hours" to fully migrate. wow... but I let it run... after about an hour it dropped from 216 hours to 1.5 hours.... and is currently under an hour. Word of warning... if you get a new iMac sometime in the future and want to migrate it DO NOT USE the default "By Wireless" option... do it from a Time Machine Backup External OR a direct connection to your old Mac - which ain't easy because new iMacs ONLY have Thunderbolt Ports... you will need a HUB to connect to an older computer directly.

I got a blue one, for a change. Ehhhh, not thrilled with it. laughing smiley But I can live with it.

Obviously no idea about performance yet but I'll keep you updated as I break it in. - JamesJM

  Steve, new iMac arrived...

JamesJM96June 16, 2021 05:18PM

  1:14am... I'm up and running.

JamesJM64June 16, 2021 11:22PM

  That's awesome, Jimmy..

sstrams48June 17, 2021 04:00AM