February 01, 2019 06:38PM
Think thats the first time I've seen a picture of you

pretty awesome , even my wife is jealous , she's a big Olivia Newton John fan , her favorite movie is Grease

see she was on Twitter a couple weeks ago reassuring fans that she was doing well , rumors were abound that her health was failing fast


  Never showed you guys me and my GIRLFRIEND and my Lovely Wife Attachments

Ramgator365February 01, 2019 12:17PM

  And YES........

Ramgator207February 01, 2019 12:20PM

  Hell of a nice photo, Ramgator (nm)

JamesJM153February 01, 2019 12:24PM


Ramgator159February 02, 2019 04:47AM

  never knew ONJ was so tall and.........

21Dog357February 01, 2019 01:39PM

  Re: Never showed you guys me and my GIRLFRIEND and my Lovely Wife

MamaRAMa227February 01, 2019 02:14PM

  LOL My Boot Camp T.I. told me...

Ramgator202February 02, 2019 04:36AM

  Fickle much?

RAMbeau232February 01, 2019 02:54PM

  You mean Reese Witherspoon! Yeah...

Ramgator160February 02, 2019 04:34AM

  OOPS. . .LOL nm

RAMbeau165February 02, 2019 02:28PM

  Re: You mean Reese Witherspoon! Yeah...

MamaRAMa217February 03, 2019 06:11AM

  Re: You mean Reese Witherspoon! Yeah...

73Ram299February 03, 2019 07:37AM

  Re: You mean Reese Witherspoon! Yeah...

Aries254February 03, 2019 10:53AM

  great photo!

ferragamo79167February 01, 2019 04:35PM

  Well played, my friend,....wiffie said "what the...",

Arkansas Ram208February 01, 2019 04:55PM

  My Wife was awesome about it. Right after the concert / meet n greet..

Ramgator226February 02, 2019 04:44AM

  LOL, I get that all the time, plus....

Arkansas Ram266February 02, 2019 01:50PM

  Pretty awesome

IowaRam251February 01, 2019 06:38PM

  For my Wife, I have been keeping a close eye out for Country singer...

Ramgator199February 02, 2019 04:40AM

  Re: For my Wife, I have been keeping a close eye out for Country singer...

73Ram219February 02, 2019 05:35AM

  LOL Like "Saving Silverman"....

Ramgator159February 02, 2019 06:20AM

  Re: LOL Like "Saving Silverman"....

73Ram171February 03, 2019 05:25AM