December 14, 2018 01:06PM
of art.. Just a really, really cool piece.. and you put so much heart and soul into it.. its kind of like restoring a car, imo... You put the love and blood, sweat and tears - and money - into it.. and you have an amazing piece afterward.. but then you want to sell it.. but you can't get what its worth in a practical sense because you have too much time, blood, and money in it.. So, there has to be a happy medium - a place you can get it to that is cost effective, yet still an amazing piece that everyone wants to own..

You mentioned that the shoe shine box reaction has been luke warm, so far..

That kinda, sorta tells me you might not have found the right happy medium, yet.. cuz I think when you do, the reaction will be closer to sizzling.. I'm sure you HAVE considered going with a regular cardboard box version.. and I know that doesn't satisfy, in you, what you want to present to the public as your work.. but, honestly, how much cheaper would it be to do a mass production just like a regular Monopoly game with a cardboard box and shrink wrap? You could offer the amazing version, as well, and maybe throw a percentage discount coupon for the all-out version in the cardboard box version - in hopes of having people actually buy both..

Then if you got the production down for the cardboard version, you could EASILY do all the other versions you wanna do by simply changing the graphics on the box, board, and instructions, and then making new pieces depending upon what the game is about.. while offering the full blown version, as well - maybe by commission.. you just build to order..

I know you don't wanna go that route, and I understand why, completely.. if I were to do my own CD now, I'd want to put out the most bad ass packaging EVER.. they open my box and its almost a Pandora's Box of goodies and stuff in that fly out and smack the buyer right in the kisser.. but, no way I could sell it for a regular price and not be in the hole on every disc.. So I get it.. But, if you want and need to make money off it, somewhere there's gotta be a major compromise.. I think people will still dig the fact that the game is centered around something they love and believe in.. and will be happy to pay $20-$25 or so for it, or whatever price you can make a decent percentage profit off it.. and once you bring them in, maybe they go overboard and buy the full blown version, as well.. Just something to think about..

Friendship is like peeing your pants.. Everybody can see it, but only you can feel the warmth..


  What do you guys think of this? Attachments

Atlantic Ram195December 13, 2018 05:19PM

  Its dang sure inventive..

sstrams101December 14, 2018 04:38AM

  I'm not sure how I knew what it was

Atlantic Ram106December 14, 2018 11:50AM

  Man, that is such an impressive work..

sstrams53December 14, 2018 01:06PM

  Thank you...

Atlantic Ram54December 16, 2018 10:39AM

  I'll reply more later, but one thought I had..

sstrams74December 16, 2018 11:14AM


Arkansas Ram53December 14, 2018 05:26AM

  Thank you! nm

Atlantic Ram49December 16, 2018 10:45AM

  Why the shoe shine box ?

IowaRam59December 14, 2018 01:24PM

  Just something different really

Atlantic Ram65December 16, 2018 10:44AM

  looks high end

ferragamo7979December 14, 2018 04:18PM

  Thank you...

Atlantic Ram51December 16, 2018 10:47AM

  that's really ambitious

21Dog105December 14, 2018 10:51PM

  Thank you...

Atlantic Ram53December 16, 2018 10:48AM