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I took your advice, Waterfield...

December 02, 2017 02:07PM
I was at WalMart today, standing in line, and when your words of wisdom came to mind... so I decided to stop mumbling aloud curse words, thus annoying those around me, and take advantage of this golden opportunity to socialize. But that was too big of a step for me.. so instead... I decided to catch up on the news.

This was the first news alert I noticed. I didn't actually open the mag and read the article because I'm pretty sure I knew the outcome - - I don't know who Mila is but quite obviously she married an alien, (of the UFO kind), and gave birth to Ashton Kutcher.

This was directly UNDER the above mag cover. I agree with Brad, by the way... I always thought Picabo Street a perfect match made in heaven for Brad. But the main point... look at Angie in that photo inset, that's one angry woman.

I didn't know she had moved IN.. but I think we can agree that she's after Brad now... and Picabo has competition, there was more 'photo proof inside' but when I opened the mag all I saw was an ad that had a gorilla stomping on some luggage.

this filled me with guilt... because I didn't have a clue who Meghan was... or that guy standing next to her. But apparently the two have been playing hide the salami. I found myself not really caring about the story, however... because I couldn't stop myself from pondering why anyone named Megan would add an "H" in their name.

Sit down before reading this one, friends. It's going to knock your socks off. All this time... it's been what? 55 years? And NO ONE had thought of this. This is BRILLIANT reporting. No, wait, I take that back. Now that I think about it... this was the same headline I saw in the National Enquirer in 1963. JFK conspiracy theories have quite a long shelf life, wouldn't you agree? And yes, I had the exact SAME reaction as all of you when viewing the Oswald assassination photo for the gajillionth time... they had really nice Fedora's in those days.


  Standing in line... they've done it, brought it to the Internet...

JamesJM470November 30, 2017 05:24AM

  Re: Standing in line... they've done it, brought it to the Internet...

IowaRam262November 30, 2017 06:41AM

  I dislike on-line shopping.

waterfield284November 30, 2017 10:49AM

  I know, I remember you saying this before...

JamesJM224November 30, 2017 10:59AM

  I think you and my Dad had that in common

21Dog220November 30, 2017 11:18AM

  That's possible...

JamesJM231November 30, 2017 11:21AM

  Reason I like lines

waterfield214November 30, 2017 04:45PM

  I would take you to every Rams game...

JamesJM178December 01, 2017 09:42AM

  Re: I would take you to every Rams game...

waterfield188December 01, 2017 10:55AM


JamesJM186December 01, 2017 01:30PM

  Interesting thought....

73Ram181December 02, 2017 07:06AM

  I took your advice, Waterfield... Attachments

JamesJM218December 02, 2017 02:07PM

  Re: I took your advice, Waterfield...

waterfield207December 02, 2017 06:24PM