October 18, 2017 03:43PM
one of my favorite scenes


  Movies that mess you up

Atlantic Ram446October 14, 2017 06:16PM

  I do have one like that.

ArizonaRamFan159October 15, 2017 08:06AM

  I have never seen it

Atlantic Ram217October 15, 2017 06:50PM

  the book is even stronger

zn148October 17, 2017 08:03PM

  Re: Movies that mess you up

waterfield171October 15, 2017 08:16AM

  probably more my speed at this point

Atlantic Ram142October 15, 2017 06:56PM


waterfield169October 15, 2017 07:05PM

  Kill Bill

Atlantic Ram146October 17, 2017 06:10PM

  I liked Kill Bill...

sstrams156October 18, 2017 03:06AM

  WOW Anchorman??? One of my favorites of all time

ferragamo79143October 18, 2017 07:39AM

  I might need to rewatch it...

sstrams282October 18, 2017 09:21AM

  Re: I might need to rewatch it...

ferragamo79142October 18, 2017 10:37AM

  Nice... I was a TV cameraman..

sstrams140October 19, 2017 04:58AM

  Never been a Will Ferrell fan

IowaRam149October 18, 2017 02:17PM

  Comedy is strange....

JamesJM140October 18, 2017 02:42PM

  Charlie Chaplin

IowaRam153October 18, 2017 03:43PM

  I think every actor has hit or miss movies

ferragamo79143October 20, 2017 03:46PM

  Well..................except Dean Martin

IowaRam207October 20, 2017 07:09PM

  Re: Movies that mess you up

MamaRAMa197October 17, 2017 04:00AM

  Re: Movies that mess you up

Atlantic Ram139October 17, 2017 04:32AM

  Schindler's List is tough for me to watch.

Ramgator146October 17, 2017 03:29PM

  yup, and I would add...

JamesJM156October 17, 2017 05:10PM