April 04, 2017 03:24PM
And it looks perfectly fine on my phone , but yet , when I come to this forum , it still has that little message at the bottom of the YouTube box

I can load this same video on a dozen other forums and it looks perfectly normal ( with out the black box and message at the bottom )

It almost has to be a issue with Microsoft Windows and this particular forum not playing nicely together

I'm running Windows 10.1


  Video Problems...

JamesJM470April 03, 2017 07:27AM

  Another thing... board issues...

JamesJM392April 03, 2017 07:48AM

  Well, that blows...

sstrams241April 03, 2017 08:14AM

  No, I don't remember...

JamesJM314April 03, 2017 08:24AM

  Ok, I waited..

sstrams247April 03, 2017 12:31PM

  Even if I have to wait for the video to load

IowaRam307April 03, 2017 02:01PM

  Disk permissions..

sstrams261April 03, 2017 12:37PM

  Ok, downloaded Chrome..

sstrams283April 03, 2017 12:51PM

  Re: Ok, downloaded Chrome..

zn300April 03, 2017 01:56PM

  post a video

IowaRam288April 03, 2017 02:04PM

  Here ya go, Iowa..

sstrams272April 03, 2017 04:33PM

  and here's what I see with that (screen cap)

zn261April 03, 2017 06:40PM

  Same on my Safari/Firefox, zn..

sstrams275April 04, 2017 03:10AM

  Hey James

IowaRam277April 03, 2017 07:28PM

  Good catch, Iowa...

JamesJM297April 03, 2017 07:41PM

  Am wondering...

sstrams230April 04, 2017 03:09AM

  Iowa, one more test, please..

sstrams339April 04, 2017 05:58AM

  Yep ......

IowaRam253April 04, 2017 03:07PM


IowaRam270April 04, 2017 03:19PM

  I just uploaded this video from my phone

IowaRam303April 04, 2017 03:24PM

  Can't see it with Safari..

sstrams252April 04, 2017 04:09PM

  been running Chrome for several years......

21Dog235April 03, 2017 02:47PM

  Same here, zn..

sstrams382April 03, 2017 04:36PM

  Re: Video Problems...

zn257April 03, 2017 06:58PM