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Re: Secret Life of Pets...

July 23, 2016 01:50PM
I haven't seen Dory yet - my wife has and her reaction was kind of like yours.. Its ok, but nowhere near as good as Finding Nemo.. Now, I liked Finding Nemo, which is amazing because traditionally I don't dig animated movies..

So, we saw Secret Life of Pets the day after it opened and we both really enjoyed it.. It wasn't plot-wise, totally what I thought it would be, but I thought it was very nicely done.. Snowball, the cute, yet psychotic bunny, is my new hero..

I think you'd probably like secret Life of Pets.. I get it on the "plot" thing you mentioned in regards to Dory.. While I haven't seen Dory, 2 of the last 4 movies we saw in the last month suffered from poor plots, imo.. Independence Day and The Shallows.. Why go to the trouble of making a movie when you have a poor plot?

I haven't seen either movie. But you said Snowball, the psychotic bunny, is your new hero. I had to look up who did the voice of Snowball. No wonder you liked him... it was Kevin Hart, who is such a cut-up.


  My 'Finding Dory' review...

JamesJM985July 23, 2016 11:40AM

  Secret Life of Pets...

sstrams777July 23, 2016 11:52AM

  On the way to see 'Dory'...

JamesJM545July 23, 2016 12:15PM

  Re: Secret Life of Pets...

MamaRAMa710July 23, 2016 01:50PM

  I couldn't tell..

sstrams556July 23, 2016 06:21PM

  I heard BFG was good

Atlantic Ram565July 24, 2016 07:23PM

  I think Zootopia is out on Netflix...

JamesJM771July 24, 2016 09:02PM

  I saw the Jungle Book

Atlantic Ram592July 24, 2016 10:45PM

  OK, I saw SLOP....today..

JamesJM540July 31, 2016 08:13PM

  Oh, I am sure I am in for multiple viewings, lol

Atlantic Ram552August 04, 2016 12:24AM

  Hey James , what happened to the speel checker option

IowaRam516August 02, 2016 09:19AM

  I think we could turn it on...

JamesJM517August 02, 2016 09:23AM

  NOT a Finding Nemo fan at all

ferragamo79615August 03, 2016 08:24AM