And stuff.. and to a degree I still do.. I still love flying to my destination, but I hate flying home.. I always pay an extra $50 for the bulkhead seats that have way more legroom, but eventually they'll charge too much for those because it's a rich man's world..
The worst part of flying is they rarely offer direct flights anymore and NO flights are on time anymore.. NONE.. They don't care.. Somewhere the government passed something that doesn't hold the airline accountable for being late and since they are no longer accountable, they don't care if you're 3 hours late and miss your connection.. used to be they had to make it right, so they tried hard to not be late.. Not any more.. No accountability, so they take pleasure in being late and laughing at you when you miss your connection and half your vacation.. I can't remember the last time I had a flight less than an hour late.. most have been 2 hours and last year 3 hours.. the only reason we didn't miss our only island hopper flight of the day was because IT was way late..,otherwise I'd hafta stay on the mainland at least one night, lost out on 3 paid dives and 3 paid meals, and had to pay for an additional island hopper flight... and I explain that to the American Airlines chick and she smiles and says they're not responsible.. &$%#&
Friendship is like peeing your pants.. Everybody can see it, but only you can feel the warmth..