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What is more of a problem..The Lion population or PEOPLE population?? Here in Florida...

March 24, 2024 10:41AM
You CONSTANTLY read about Gator attacks or even attacks from Bears. In Florida, it has gotten harder and harder for Wildlife. Around every damned corner is aaaaanother Cookie Cutter Subdivision with houses 3 feet apart....Strip Malls and Car Washes. In 2022, me and my Ex built on what used to be a Cow Pasture. I liked it because 40 yards behind us was some Woods with Swamp. We were told that would be our view. I had my doubts because "Protected Wet Lets" varies on how much the check is by the "Developer". SURE NUFF......Within a MONTH after we moved in, there's a slab behind us. That house was built with a backyard....SO HELP ME...that was THREE FEET! When you walked out of the the patio door, there was a "Patio" that was 6 X10 feet and then BAM...Swamp Water. Every day, people crowd into Florida ,making it worse.

  Mountain Lion attack here in Calif......

JamesJM137March 24, 2024 09:14AM

  Re: Mountain Lion attack here in Calif......

MamaRAMa83March 24, 2024 09:23AM


JamesJM80March 24, 2024 09:34AM

  What is more of a problem..The Lion population or PEOPLE population?? Here in Florida...

Ramgator72March 24, 2024 10:41AM

  No doubt about it...

JamesJM82March 24, 2024 10:58AM

  Re: Mountain Lion attack here in Calif......

SeattleRam78March 24, 2024 11:44AM

  Coyotes are the same way

LesBaker52March 26, 2024 10:39AM

  Coyotes and rats....

JamesJM43March 26, 2024 10:51AM

  Re: Coyotes are the same way

waterfield53March 27, 2024 07:25AM

  Animals are fast... all of them.

JamesJM37March 27, 2024 07:36AM

  A friends doorbell camera recorded one near my parents house

txramfan48March 25, 2024 05:17AM

  We have trail cams set up all over our ranch....

JamesJM40March 27, 2024 07:39AM

  lot of sighting up here in Norther Ca around

ferragamo7952March 27, 2024 05:28PM