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Does this make it feel better?

November 14, 2023 06:48AM
Championships were this Sat. past. "County Line" won... everyone pretty much knew they would. This week All Star practice began and County's coaches, because they won the Championship, will be coaching our team.

We never knew who posted that photo I posted above showing the 4th down play that would have won us a spot in the Championship. Well, turns out it was "County Line" who was there scouting our game. So we had 4 videos of that game.

Last night All Star practice began and my grandson, Elijah, plus 4 of his teammates, began their practices this week for the All Star game this coming Sat. Before the practice had even begun the County HC came up to my grandson, (and daughter), and told him... "Son, you made that first down. You guys should have won that game".

So did that make the bad call more tolerable? Well... for me....no. laughing smiley But as I said - officials make mistakes... hated the 'goof' then and I hate it now... but I don't have it in for the official. BUT... as for my grandson... for him the answer is "yes"... it made the loss more tolerable. He was 'glowing' last night when he got home from All Star practice and told me what County's coaches had told him... PLUS... the County players who made the All Star team all told him the same thing..."You GOT that first down".

Sooooo, one more game. He'll miss basketball tryouts this week because of football All Star practice BUT... my other grandson, Elijah's cousin, is coaching so they're allowing Elijah a 'makeup' tryout. laughing smiley Nah, not favoritism... they always do this for any kids that make All Stars.

All Star Game... then another grandson is playing in a J.C. Bowl game.... and that's it for football for this year... well, except for the Rams.... who I hope will start to actually play football. laughing smiley

  Bad officiating.... I shouldn't do this, Attachments

JamesJM182November 07, 2023 02:51PM

  Same thing happened to us in '71

sstrams84November 08, 2023 02:15AM

  Re: Bad officiating.... I shouldn't do this,

SeattleRam69November 08, 2023 02:52AM

  I can't even imagine my HS winning a State Championship....

JamesJM83November 09, 2023 09:28AM

  On a happier note... sentimental photo Attachments

JamesJM70November 10, 2023 07:33PM

  Does this make it feel better?

JamesJM72November 14, 2023 06:48AM

  More important is this stuff James

LesBaker81November 14, 2023 02:36PM

  Wow! It's Les....

ScRAM63November 14, 2023 05:51PM

  Re: Bad officiating.... I shouldn't do this,

ScRAM69November 14, 2023 06:01PM

  One line judge ruled it a first down...

JamesJM84November 15, 2023 08:51AM